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Pics of Sub Boxes


1000rms good enough for me

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Box is finally done...


Didnt feel like making another box so I payed extra and came with one made for the subs

2 12" Rockford Fosgate Punch's. The amp is 750 rms and the subs are 500 rms each. Crazy loud. These subs are pricey but if you are really looking for a loud system, these are what you are lookin for. They hit real hard and have great sound. I had to turn the amp almost all the way down because I could not hear the guy's voice singing.



........It's not good to mount amps on boxes........

I've had my amp mounted to the box in my 'Stang since I bought it over 2 years ago, and it's still going. The only thing I've changed was I added a 1Farad Cap and upped to 4ga. wire.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

EDIT: Just to stay within the thread-

Explorer - Kicker 10" sub in Q logic stealth box with Kicker ZX300.1 amp - Amp is now jammed behind the passenger side rear speaker. I was holding it funny when it slipped and wedged itself between the quarter panel and some support beam. It wouldn't budge so I said the hell with it that's where it'll stay. ;)

Mustang - Sony XPLoD XM-2165GTX amp with 12 Sony sub in a custom box themed to the car. (picture is of my old Infinity sub that kept breaking)

threw this setup together on saturday for a local 1x dbdrag sunday. Did a 154.2 sealed legal at the dash on the TL in Street C. Pretty good for only 2 amps :D With full power it should do a 156.5ish as is....and will break a 157.0 fairly easily I think.

Too bad im switching classes :confused:


not an explorer, but its a box :)


Single 10 P3

This is not as outrageous as other but I needed trunk space.
Single 10 Fosgate P3 Running with 800 watt Fosgate amp.



Here's my new box that replaces my sealed box. It's 7.5 cu ft tuned to 32 hz. It is made with 3 separate chambers. It's quite a bit louder than the 5.25 sealed box I had in there and sounds better to me also.


Here's mine, nothing special. RESX15" sub, in 6cuft vented box. It sounds good, gets the job done.

New setup:
FI BL 18
Power Acoustik 3000 D
6 FT^3 Box
Monster RCA Cables


Here are a few of my last projects.
New box for my 2000 Explorer for 2 Digital Designs 9515's
4.75^3 per sub with 2 6" aeroports



I built this one for my GF's '07 Tacoma Double Cab.
It has 2 Digital Designs 1508's with close to 2 cubes total with 26 sq in of port.



This is a box I built to use for a temporary fix while I rebuilt the system with the 9515's.
1.75^3 with a Digital Designs 2512.

Here's mine, nothing special. RESX15" sub, in 6cuft vented box. It sounds good, gets the job done.

Took a video of the roof flex today...the camera really doesn't pick up on the roof moving and crossbars going up and down, so I tossed my remote up there

Song is "Hypnotize" by Young Jeezy. Youtube linky
Really gets good bass. I don't think the neighbors are happy now:D

New: Video of sub movement. I was trying to get a good roof flex video, but no luck. The roof really does move a lot, but none of my cameras pick it up for some reason. I'll keep trying though.
Sub movement...

12" RE SX in my girls 00' sport

18" DC sounds level 4 in my 00' 4door

any opinions on this-

here are things so far-

i am thinking it will be cleanest/best to stay with the same black vinyl i had in the trunk this year.

would you paint the front face of the enclosure silver, black, or the very light white/silver of the seats?

My current thought is to finish the front of the box in silver and have that front piece (currently just cardboard) that sits in front of the box in the same black as the trunk. I am very much going to take my time here and get everything absolutely perfect detail/finish wise and want it to be permanent here when i'm done.

What color would you finish things in?

lastly, the trunk is being redone, but i'm keeping the general layout (just adding some nice details) and leaving the equalizer rack completely untouched. I'm also no longer going to carry the spare tire (i mean, i hardly drive the car) and looking to utilize that space for some power adding fun.

thanks for any opinions





and a reminder of how it looked before in trunk-





here is mine, w/ home made box

pioneer touch screen w/ nav head unit

with 4 6X9 alpine s class

and 2 12' JL W3's

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Old setup, i really miss that amp....

Yeah, those are cheap 10's getting 300 wrms each. Sounded pretty good.

Actual setup ? nah, i burned everything....


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