Picture Help... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Picture Help...



So on this other forum, that just started up for this comedian. I'm a mod...But to sum it up a nother mod yelled at me haha more out of fun then really yelling but what I need from you guys is some pictures. Of like an Ranger and Explorer next to each other. And any other Truck VS SUV...I don't think I'm wording this right heres part of the post on the comedy fourm:

""" (her)Originally Posted by NikkiFoxx View Post
LIAR. That's not a truck that's an suv with flames. lol Here in PA trucks are like.... F150+'s ... then you're a redneck.... you, my dear, have an SUV.... they are cooler anyways, so start saying SUV so I don't start calling you mr. mchicky.

(me)If you take an F150 and put a shell on it you get an Expedition...
Haha my truck is just a Ford Ranger, same in and out but its all enclosed :)
Ford Excursion is an F250 super duty frame..."""

So now I want pictures of the pairs side by side if there are any out there...I know I have seen them...

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I had a feeling a moderator would get it moved for you ;)

Deleted my other post since it no longer matters:)

I get picked on a lot by people every time I call my vehicle a truck. "BLAH! ITS NOT A TRUCK ITS AN SUV!!!"

You're not going to change their mind, because even though they may use the same frame or general body style. There is no bed in the back and people pick that out on it and use it against you. I'll look for pictures anyways though.



2007 ranger vs explorer.

I think you need to go back into time a little bit, when things were sized more alike. Lol.
Like my dad's 98 ranger, my 98 explorer.. very very very alike.. sorry I don't have pics though...

:confused: Started, Closed, Moved, Reopened aye carumba!:D

Sorry don't have any pics that would fit the bill or do i?:scratch: think i need to take a second look get back to ya.........

Someone should find a 98 Ranger (single or extended) XLT, and a 98 Explorer XLT

I think I found a bug.. there's 0 views for this thread... =\

Anyone else think that 07 Ranger looks like a Taco? I think Ford copied Toyota in planning the look for this thing..lol

Good Comparisons.

For reference?

Tell her in PA a explorer is NOT an SUV it is a station wagon!

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