Pioneer HU install w/Mach audio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pioneer HU install w/Mach audio


Active Member
December 4, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Hull, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mountaineer Monterey
Hey all I have been reading posts all night about this but I'm kind of looking for a quick definate answer. I have a 2000 mountaineer with the V8, Monterey package and I'm assuming the Mach audio system because I have the sub and I think 97 was the last year for the JBL. Anyway I have been shown a few different harnesses for the hook up from scosche. Any help on which of the three i'm supposed to get?

Those are the three I've found that all claim to work on the 2000 mountaineers. Which have people tried? Which will work and won't work. Thanks

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Hey all I have been reading posts all night about this but I'm kind of looking for a quick definate answer. I have a 2000 mountaineer with the V8, Monterey package and I'm assuming the Mach audio system because I have the sub and I think 97 was the last year for the JBL. Anyway I have been shown a few different harnesses for the hook up from scosche. Any help on which of the three i'm supposed to get?

Those are the three I've found that all claim to work on the 2000 mountaineers. Which have people tried? Which will work and won't work. Thanks

Id go with the one from crutchfield Ive gotten a good amount from them and its always worked/fit and theyre customer service is second to none IMO. Scosche I got one harness from them that they claimed would work for my vehicle...needless to say it did not.

That's what I thought. It seems so close to the Scosche one though only it has two RCA outputs instead of one. Anyone else have an opinion? If not, anywhere else carry it cheaper than crutchfield? Seems so expensive after shippping.

Behind the radio i have three plugs though. I know one is mainly for the radio and one is for the sub, but what's the third do? Is that for the CD changer if equiped? Maybe my truck had one at one time but the first owner removed it.

The third plug does the CD changer, rear audio controls, steering wheel buttons, power antenna, etc. Remember, the rear controls will not work with an aftermarket setup.

you will also need the 5 volt regulator for the sub amp turn on. I have one of the crutchfield sub amp harnesses with the regulator, let me know if you need it.

So i was down in florida last week and happened to stop by a walmart to get a toothbrush and some other crap to avoid any delays at the security checkpoint. Anyhow I found a conector that i'm pretty sure will work from scosche there called FDK106. I'll let everone know how it works out when i get back to Boston at the end of this week.
