Please help! Does anyone know... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please help! Does anyone know...


Well-Known Member
September 15, 2001
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City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4
...what the diameter of the front swaybar bushing on a 2001 Ex Sport is? I've been trying to contact Explorer Express to verify, but I keep getting their voicemail stating that it's after business is NOT.

I have a bushing from them that states 1 3/16" and I am HOPING that it will fit the front bar on me Ex Sport. There is also another 4 digit number on the bushing (5351).

If ANYONE has these bushins can you crawl under your Ex for me and check....PULLLEEZ! :D The way the bushing mounts the text should be on the side of the black bushing I believe.



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go measure your bar :)

I know...but I don't trust my measurements!!! It would be easy for me to be off by 1 or 2 sixteenths!!! :eek:


call your local ford parts and get the number

1 or 2 16ths wont matter much... it will wera out to the proper size in no time if it is s lightly to small and if its slightly to big 1 or 2 16ths wont matter that much in how it handles.

Ok...I hope you're right Nissanboy. I think the bushing I have states 1 3/16" but it needs to be 1 5/16" (either that or 34 mm)...

