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they are fairly hard jobbies to compress, we used two sets of el cheapo hand helds, but it was dodgy as all hell. My guru mate was in charge, he is a legend

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Well, as much as I'd love to have done them myself, I made an appointment with "Saint John SpringWorks" to have them installed for 7:30 tomorrow morning.
Hopefully all goes well. I'll keep you posted.



That's the best thing... safe installation, nobody gets popped by a coilspring if anything goes wrong.

Yeah, better safe than sorry I guess.
I feel like such an ass... you'll get pictures Wednesday.. bla bla bla
Well, hopefully if all goes well... pictures tomorrow night. lol, though I should just
keep my mouth shut till they're finished. ;)



Every time we do something right or wrong, it helps the next person. So keep talking about it... That over-sized spring compression process is not a typical compression - it was explained to me by installers here - it can be deadly if the process isn't approached correctly. I'm not a tech, so I don't know, but I wouldn't want a spring or the compressor to fail...

WOOO HOOO... big day ;)






I'll see if i can get some better pics later on my break.
let me know what ya think. :)

I'm speechless! That is amazing!! and no boards?? Mine are coming off... That is beautiful!

I'm looking at a set of electric boards, they tuck when you close the doors.
I love the clearence. :)
Also looking into a rear spare tire carrier, plugs into the hitch.

Took a couple photos on my break at work.




That my friend is fan bloody tastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great work dude I'm so happy for you, it looks tough, can we see a pic of how they match up with the flare extremitties, it appears as though they stick out a bit, ova here in Oz we aren't allowed to go beyond the flare/guard or increase track width by more than 3/4" (20mm) overall. However I'm about to increase my '04 by 3" (80mm) which is also without running boards so I'm even more excited about getting it done now

Not sure if this is a better angle for you or not, but it shows it fairly well, they do stick out a bit, but really not much, I'd say less than an inch.

Very nice, any rubbing?

Very nice, any rubbing?

Yeah, there was a bit of rubbing, pulled back the inner wells with some zip ties, and trimmed a slight corner off of the front and we're pretty much good to go.
I'm going to be doing a body lift for good measure anyway, but it's good on the road for now. I just wouldn't want to be bouncing around a trail before I put the body lift on.

Sorry guys, lol, I know I'm kinda flooding you with pics here, but I figured this was a good Before/After set.


Roadbully- you know bro i've always been a fan of dropped trucks. I also have plans of dropping my explorer and putting some 22s i kind of bought already.
But looking at those pics..makes me wonder, maybe i should lift it and put some 20s and beafy tires.
Anyway looks awesome bro! i LOVE it..

Thanks guys, great to hear good feedback. :)
ghoster- Keep us up to date man, Make sure to post up some updates as you go. :thumbsup:

I just snapped a picture off that should answer your question about how much the tires stick out. Keep in mind, These rims are 16x8, 4inch backspacing, -12mm offset.




they are fairly hard jobbies to compress, we used two sets of el cheapo hand helds, but it was dodgy as all hell. My guru mate was in charge, he is a legend
Yep, they are extremely hard. I used some cheap spring compressors as well, and actually had to grind them off - there was no other way to get them undone!

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Yeah Ben, that is awesome dude, I love old school dished rims which is what will go on my '04 in a few weeks time, I'm so over 22's with flat faces and the likes. It looks superb, do you notice any changes in braking with the steerign wheel turned slightly or with one side off on the dirt and the other side on the bitumen, some clever dik reckoned that I might get caught out because there will be a lot more force/energy on the outside of the wheel as you've moved the wheel centre so far away from its original spot, hope U can understand what I mean here.
