Please! Help my out of warranty 2015 Ex Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please! Help my out of warranty 2015 Ex Sport


New Member
July 29, 2022
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Ferndale, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer Sport
Vents were blowing in the center. Just feet and dash. When summer came I bit the bullet and spent $1500 at the dealership to get the blend door actuators replaced. After 3 days and two tries, they got it done.
Immediately after the repair my adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance said “unavailable” I returned to the dealership and they changed me $150 to say it was nothing that they did but it would cost $2000 to replace some computer.
Well that was 3 weeks ago and low and behold the cruise started working again but only intermittently. Any suggestions on what I should do next? Is a new computer my only option? Man, I wish I had purchased that extended warranty lol Thanks in advance for any info.

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That seems real fishy, that it stopped working while in their custody then they charge you to look at it, then they want $2K. Since you did have to pay them, they should at least tell you the trouble code they "should" have scanned for.

In my sig below, there is a 2014 Workshop Manual that has a section on the cruise control, in the section Electrical -> Electronic Features Group -> SECTION 419-03B: Cruise Control — Adaptive

That details some tests as well as potential causes for the trouble codes. There is probably also a trouble code set in the computer that should guide you on what to look at next. Check the front sensor, maybe it's dirty or some road debris has damaged the wire to it.

You might ask the shop what makes them think it is a $2K computer to blame, but I would get a second opinion at a different shop, think it is more likely the sensor itself (which is a few hundred not $2K) than the computer, or maybe they're a REALLY shady shop and unplugged it deliberately, trying to make a buck off of you.

It one point my dash lit up like a Christmas tree

Brakes, traction control, and ABS and although there is no light for it, adaptive cruise control was out too. I bought a “code reader” that was capable of reading the ABS system. I don’t remember what it said, but since I could still stop the car, I ignored the lights and covered them with black tape….. a few months later and it seems to have fixed it’s self. I which I could say what was wrong but I just don’t know

Good luck

Vents were blowing in the center. Just feet and dash. When summer came I bit the bullet and spent $1500 at the dealership to get the blend door actuators replaced. After 3 days and two tries, they got it done.
Immediately after the repair my adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance said “unavailable” I returned to the dealership and they changed me $150 to say it was nothing that they did but it would cost $2000 to replace some computer.
Well that was 3 weeks ago and low and behold the cruise started working again but only intermittently. Any suggestions on what I should do next? Is a new computer my only option? Man, I wish I had purchased that extended warranty lol Thanks in advance for any info.
Welcome to the Forum Michelle. :wave:
FYI, both those features use the same sensor which is located near the bottom front right when looking at your vehicle head-on. It is installed where the white spot shows next to the foglight. Check to make sure it is not obstructed or loose.



Welcome to the Forum Michelle. :wave:
FYI, both those features use the same sensor which is located near the bottom front right when looking at your vehicle head-on. It is installed where the white spot shows next to the foglight. Check to make sure it is not obstructed or loose.

View attachment 432323
Thanks a bunch! So glad to in this forum. Gonna check it out today 👍😅

It one point my dash lit up like a Christmas tree

Brakes, traction control, and ABS and although there is no light for it, adaptive cruise control was out too. I bought a “code reader” that was capable of reading the ABS system. I don’t remember what it said, but since I could still stop the car, I ignored the lights and covered them with black tape….. a few months later and it seems to have fixed it’s self. I which I could say what was wrong but I just don’t know

Good luck
Oh boy, thanks for sharing your experience 🙏🏾👍🤔

Welcome to the Forum Michelle. :wave:
FYI, both those features use the same sensor which is located near the bottom front right when looking at your vehicle head-on. It is installed where the white spot shows next to the foglight. Check to make sure it is not obstructed or loose.

View attachment 432323
You saved me like $2000 🤗🤗🤗

That seems real fishy, that it stopped working while in their custody then they charge you to look at it, then they want $2K. Since you did have to pay them, they should at least tell you the trouble code they "should" have scanned for.

In my sig below, there is a 2014 Workshop Manual that has a section on the cruise control, in the section Electrical -> Electronic Features Group -> SECTION 419-03B: Cruise Control — Adaptive

That details some tests as well as potential causes for the trouble codes. There is probably also a trouble code set in the computer that should guide you on what to look at next. Check the front sensor, maybe it's dirty or some road debris has damaged the wire to it.

You might ask the shop what makes them think it is a $2K computer to blame, but I would get a second opinion at a different shop, think it is more likely the sensor itself (which is a few hundred not $2K) than the computer, or maybe they're a REALLY shady shop and unplugged it deliberately, trying to make a buck off of you.
Well, I drove it all summer with no cruise control until…. I drove through some deep water and viola it’s working again. Dirty sensor. I’m so glad I didn’t fork out two grand!!! Thank you
