(Poll) Zexel Torsen Differential for '95+ Explorer/Ranger? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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(Poll) Zexel Torsen Differential for '95+ Explorer/Ranger?

Interested in a Zexel Torsen differential for IFS Explorer/Rangers?

  • Yes I would purchase one if they were made available.

    Votes: 50 75.8%
  • I'm not sure.

    Votes: 16 24.2%

  • Total voters
another vote for Torsen diff

I would definitely purchase a Torsen type for my explorer if it was available. I had Automotive Engineering in school, and since then did lots of research on the alternatives for my Explorer and F150. The Torsen type differential is definitely the best option for my daily-driver application.

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Guys, the unit is not a new idea. It was briefly available (20) years ago but it was found that the units dont like larger tires that stress the unit during differentation (going around turns). They had a high failure rate and they started recommending that the units not be used with larger than stock tires. The units in the Hummers are engineered for the larger tires (allow more slip before engaging). Are these new units approved for larger tires? If not, a lot of customers are going to be upset when their units blow out off road (like reported in the past)... Please let us know if these units will hold up to the abuse that we expect to inflict on them (i.e, Large/heavy tires and wheels).:redexp:

You mean Torsen has been making these for 20 years? Or do you mean there was some thing like the Torsen made 20 years ago? Either way, where did you get your information? I'd love to read up on it. But, being that they're already in Hummers, 350+ HP Camaro's and Firebirds, and all the others on the Torsen website list, I'd bet that these things are more than capable of handling what ever an IFS, 6 cyl. Explorer can throw at it, even w/ larger tires.


I want one of these real bad.
what's the status on the production.
how many people are interested on the ORR board ?

The Torsen name has been around for 20+ years. The basic design, though, is closing in on 100. IIRC, the earliet related patent I've seen was dated 1914. So you see, its true, it isn't new. But it has come a long way in development and refinement, especially in the last 10 to 15 years.

It is also true that we made differentials once upon a time for a lot of aftermarket applications, including a number of Dana axles. Those were all early versions of our Type 1 design. In addition, a number of those early T-1's had issues in high torque applications. The early gears were a bit more crude in their manufacture, and they had designed-in errors that could lead to occasional problems. Those issues were all ironed out around the time the company decided to dump aftermarket business and concentrate on OEM business. Building the product for long-life service in warranteed new vehicles necessitated that product be brought up to better levels, and it was. And its been continuously refined since. The differential in question here - for the D35 SLA axle - is and Type-2 design, not a Type-1. T-2's are stronger then an otherwise equivalent T-1 design. As far as what the max size tire is, I honestly don't know. I do know that we've used these things in BITD race trucks for the past 2 seasons, which ran 33's. So that's safe anyway. But if you wanted to go to 35's, I dunno... I could probably run that calculation though.

Regarding interest, well, there's about 10 over at ORR and 15 here that said they'd like one, but I dunno if there's any duplication there. At this point, I'm not holding my breath for more to sign up, and I'm not holding my breath for these to be made either. I'd really have to be able to sell 10X that before the company would consider it... :/

Well it is disappointing that the company would require that many pseudo-guaranteed orders in order to consider making the design... but it is understandable. I would be more interested in this than the ARB... just due to cost alone. I would opt for a Powertrax, but don't feel the need for a locker on a daily/driver, and with one of your T2's I could operate 4hi on the road without freakin' out due to locker engagement.
You definately have a market here... how big depends on your marketing guys and the overall costs ;)


We don't necessarily have to have that many orders, but I need to see evidence that the product will sell enough to make it worthwhile. Its a hard sell, and not cut and dried. What's more is that we don't really have the support (interest) from our distributors in a model for this application. They don't think they can sell it either, they don't see much of a market...

Given that I announced this thread to all the members of the site through a mass emailing I can see that the results are pretty poor at this point. 15 out of 14,000 is pretty dismal. At least we tried.

Originally posted by Rick
Given that I announced this thread to all the members of the site through a mass emailing I can see that the results are pretty poor at this point. 15 out of 14,000 is pretty dismal. At least we tried.
You can see where I'm coming from. It wasn't so much the number of people ready to put $$$ up for it, but rather what % of the population was even interested. We're talking about a 1/10th of a percent response here. If I had a 1/2 of a percent, I'd have been happy, a whole 1% and I'd have been exstatic. Oh well, like you said, Rick, at least we tried...

Rick, thanks for the reply. I've been involved with Wheel-n since I was a kid and I remember all the excitement when they started offering the units for the Dana diffs (early 80s).. They were to be the best of Both-Worlds and that was before anyone was offering a selectable locker (ARB). I'm happy to see that theyre making a come back:D

I guess I should have chimed in sooner. I don't want the worry and don't need a full fledged ARB(and can't get one for the front anyways), and I want something better than a LS... so a Torsen sounds right up my alley. Ohh well, I am intrested, espically when the price is under $700.

Originally posted by rocklaurence
I'm happy to see that theyre making a come back:D
A comeback? We've never been gone :D. But we have been concentrating on OEM business instead of aftermarket stuff...

So, is there anyone who missed this on the first go around? Because I really would love to have one of these. They already have it designed and tested, they just need a case to sell one to us in the general public.


Actually Sean, I'd probably redesign it to clean it up a bit and optimize the durability if it were to go into production. I just haven't had a good reason to spend the time to do it yet. I'm still disappointed that out of 15000 members, there's only interest from 21 people, but that's how this business goes...

Hopefully we can drum up more people. This would be my first choice for a front traction device. (I really don't have a choice now though)

How many do you want to see interested Ranger Rick?

Well, I'd have to convince my boss that we could sell a couple hundred a year for a few years. Now, that doesn't mean I'd need hundreds of orders up front, but I'd have to see enough interest to suggest that kinda of volume is feasible. Its kind of a judgement call, I suppose. But still, with the exception of 2 or 3 folks, there really isn't anyone enthusiastic enough about it from what I can gather to rationalize a business case...

Ranger Rick,

I think there will be interest since people will see that people like me break CV joints from running a non-selectable locker like the Powertrax.
The Big Dawgs out at Truckhaven were witness to my outer CV joint on the passenger side breaking when I was going up the Waterfall hill.

Of course, I think your biggest market would be with the Ranger 4x4 owners. Cuz I would think more of the Ranger 4x4 owners take their trucks offroad than do owners of Explorer 4x4's.


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Originally posted by Johnstone
Ranger Rick,

I think there will be interest since people will see that people like me break CV joints from running a non-selectable locker like the Powertrax.
The Big Dawgs out at Truckhaven were witness to my outer CV joint on the passenger side breaking when I was going up the Waterfall hill.

Of course, I think your biggest market would be with the Ranger 4x4 owners. Cuz I would think more of the Ranger 4x4 owners take their trucks offroad than do owners of Explorer 4x4's.

Good point Johnstone.

I remember the sound your axle made when it grenaded at waterfall hill. Sounded like a really big socket wrench spinning back.

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this is killimg me as well.

this would be my 1st choice hands down.
and nothing else in sight,the german locker is still not here,and they stopped getting back to my e-mails ?
