Popping noise coming from engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Popping noise coming from engine


New Member
April 30, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Moncks Corner, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 XLT
New member. I have a 2016 Explorer that has started making a very annoying popping noise coming from the engine on the drivers side and sometimes driver side door. It is not the AC supp. Any ideas what it could be? It sounds like a popping noise or like a cord is loose and hitting the hood.

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Do you hear it when the hood is up? Engine is on, or off, when you are only inside the vehicle, while idle or driving only? Can you give some details?

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Does speed affect this noise?


Do you hear it when the hood is up? Engine is on, or off, when you are only inside the vehicle, while idle or driving only? Can you give some details?
Only when driving and at speeds greater then 50 mph usually.

I wonder if it could be a loose cowl? That would produce a type of fluttering sound.


I wonder if it could be a loose cowl? That would produce a type of fluttering sound.


I was thinking the same, @peterk9 When I am driving around highway speeds or so, from what @Buzzard63 is describing, I get the same noise. Ive determined it is the cowl in mine. Could be the same. Wont hurt, just annoying.
