Possible water pump fail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible water pump fail


December 6, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Boone, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 explorer
I have never had this happen before so im a little confused??
I drove the explorer to work yesterday, without any problems. When i got to work about (22miles on the highway) I shut it off and steam was coming up from under the hood, but no leaks that i saw.
I got home and checked it out and the upper radiator hose was not firm so i opened the radiator cap expecting steam and pressure but there was none what so ever. and saw radiator fluid dripping from the axle. So unsure if its the pump, or something else My guage never went into the normal range until yesterday.

Anyways the explorer is out of commision till this weekend when i can take a look at it.

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Did u check the lower hose for leaks? What you describe seems a bit dramatic for a pump leaking from the weep hole.

Yeah, I agree with the water pump probably not being the problem. Get a small piece of mirror and a good light, check your freeze plugs in the sides of the block as they are known for rotting out. Also the lower intake gasket fails and leaks coolant where the intake and heads join.

Do not let this engine get hot or you will be in the market for new heads.

thanks for the reply's I ll look into it a bit more this weekend. If it is a freeze plug how hard is it to replace?

You can get a replacement that you stick in and tighten. Easier than driving a conventional one in. They are really easy to install in a block when you have it out of the vehicle. Not so much in.

Ok I dont really have the capabilities to pull the engine. So I hope it is just the lower hose, or at worst lower intake gasket. And for sure hope its not a cracked head or anything, I did check the oil and there is no water in the oil or the milky white stuff on the dip stick.

I just meant that when Ford installs the freeze plugs the motor is being built. That's why you can buy the replacement that kind of bolts in.

Good luck!

i did some inspecting and the leak is coming from under the number 4 cylinder almost directly behind water pump. I dont think its the water pump cause its dry its just the block that is wet. So i think its the freeze plug.

Is there a write up on how to replace the freeze plug without removing the engine? I cant really see the plug so i dont know how im gonna be able to do it.

I have never had to change one so I can't say if they are great or crap. Keep searching. My opinion is that it would be a temporary repair until you had time to fix it properly.

Ok i did some more digging and its not the expansion plug it is now something to do with the intake manifold. I traced the leak up to there, it runs along valve cover and down the block by one of the freeze plugs.

Have you checked to see if your manifold bolts are tight?

check your intake manifold bolts

I had water poring out of my 98 the other day. Water pump was fine but the paper gasket had blown out a spot. I would fill it back up and run it looking well around the pump.

no i havent had checked the bolts, Its pouring out the left front part of the manifold. Havent torn anything off yet beside the air hose and cover. Ill try that in the morning, by the time i got the wheel off and fender well out It got too dark to continue.

Did you everfigure out exactly where it was coming fro and did you get it fixed? mine is doing the exact same thing and i need help really bad.

Did you everfigure out exactly where it was coming fro and did you get it fixed? mine is doing the exact same thing and i need help really bad.

Sounds like a hole in the intake manifold somewhere , I have Fixed a 92 xlt 4.0 auto 4x4 with some Quick steel stick , and some RTV over top of that to check for leaks
