power an then grounds out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power an then grounds out


Well-Known Member
September 16, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
bristol tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 nav ho. 96 5.0 4 dr
got a problem with my linc town car 2nd time in last few months its done this . 1993 model
have all lights inside an out no dimming when key is turned but the last half inch of the turn of key were ud expect the starter to kick in dash lights go out an nothing happens .
my first fix seemed to be a losse bracket for my anti lock brakes or so it seemed 5 or 6 weeks ago was surprised that it worked . id used some parts of another car neutral safety switch key switch an igition switch wasnt those .
now the bracket is still tight from past repair but problem is back
starter isnt that old an been working fine battery ok too. damm starter was a ***** to change to you have to have hands the size of a 6 yr old grl to get to bolts.
sound like a pcm problem ?? helppp by the way i suck at elec work so i have no problem if you answer me or even send me a book elec problems for dumbies :):D tire air presure ??? the extra dount i had that morning is that my prob maybe ??

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Could be a couple of things i thought of.....

the neutral safety and or the ignition switch could mis-aligned cuasing it not to start since either of those are thinking that that the car is in gear

or it could be a bad starter solenoid located on the inner fender pass side near where the power dist box and such are located.....

check for 12v at the R/LB (Red with Light Blue stripe) wire at the starter solenoid with the key in the START position. if not, check for 12v at the W/PK wire at the Neutral Safety Swt with the key in the START position.

Check your gear lever cable, it could be flaired or just stuck..Putting it in netural might work, but that depends where the cable for stuck at...worth a try, get under neath and push the lever on the tranny by hand.

I just had this problem at work today, i replace the stater and it still didnt work, checked netural safety switch, wires,fuses and block and everything seem alright.. If it is the cable then put a spring to help and spray some grease in the line or replace it

thks for the replys :) just got done shoveling drive out an was figuring on hours of hunt an peek to find my problem. still havent fixed any thing but it started today ? dash lights are out still geee officer but ya see i have no speedo today so i couldnt of been doing a 105 lol . well went shopping so im good for a week if it warms up this weekend ill have another look at some wires any one giving away free garage ?? brrrr its cold out their
