Power mirrors don't work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power mirrors don't work


Well-Known Member
July 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tallahassee, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4x4
The power mirrors on my '97 XLT no longer work. They've been broke for a while now, I just never got around to investigating. It's rather annoying, especially when someone bumps my mirror or I bump and mess it up when washing the truck.

Anyone else ever had this problem? I've also noticed the switch for the mirrors doesn't light up like the buttons on the door do, is it supposed to? I don't know if it ever lit up, nor do I know if that could possibly be connected.

So yeah any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Check fuse number 1 (10 amp) inside the car. It controls the mirrors and power antenna (which you may not have).

All the fuses look good.

I knew it wouldn't be some easy fix. It never is. :(

The switch doesn't have a light. You likely have a broken wire although "looking at fuse" is like "looking at a woman"... she might "look" OK... a meter is a better check even with a woman... :)

The switch doesn't have a light. You likely have a broken wire although "looking at fuse" is like "looking at a woman"... she might "look" OK... a meter is a better check even with a woman... :)

Haha, true.

I consider myself pretty ignorant on this subject. I'm away for college, so I don't have a meter or anything like that, unfortunately. But is the fuse solely dedicated to the power mirrors? Because if it has multiple functions, then wouldn't there be more stuff not working if the fuse was bad?
