Power Overload with USB | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Overload with USB


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March 31, 2012
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I have a memory stick with songs that I have plugged into one of the of the USB ports. The other port I plug in my phone for recharging. When I do this I get a pop up that says it is drawing too much power and this could cause the recording playback to malfunction. The pop up does not go away until I unplug both the phone and the phones recharging cord. Has anyone seen this?

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I have a memory stick with songs that I have plugged into one of the of the USB ports. The other port I plug in my phone for recharging. When I do this I get a pop up that says it is drawing too much power and this could cause the recording playback to malfunction. The pop up does not go away until I unplug both the phone and the phones recharging cord. Has anyone seen this?

I have not encountered that message. While I don't use a USB stick, I often have both my iPod and iPhone plugged in and charging from the two USB ports under the stereo. I would think those would draw as much as a USB stick and a phone.

Maybe your phone has a fast charging battery that pulls a lot of power and that combined with the USB stick is too much at that one location. Do you have a friend's or wife's phone that you could try to charge while playing music from the USB stick to see if a different phone that maybe pulls less power gives you the same message?

Same as above, no issue. I have one for my iPod and one for my droid on all the time.

The message I encounter says that the SYNC system may not work properly because of the power draw from the 2 items. I went out and bought a charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter and it got really hot and started to smell like something was burning so I unplugged it. I guess I need to take it in.

Yeah, burning smells in cars are not good things. Where did you get the charger?

I got the charger at the Dollar Store for $10. Maybe that could be the problem.

There's a good chance it could be, lol.
