Preferred brands of water pump, timing chain, spark plugs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Preferred brands of water pump, timing chain, spark plugs?


Active Member
September 27, 2022
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City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 FPIU
2017 FPIU
Okay, my Explorer (2016 3.7 155k miles) has just developed post-nasal drip, so a water pump change is in my future.

I see an ACDelco at $65, and FoMoCo at $110 -- is there a reason to buy or avoid one or the other?

While I'm in there, I might as well do the timing chain. I see FoMoCo in the $80 dollar range, and a bunch of aftermarket kits with chain, guides, etc. I also see kits with guides and other parts -- are any of these worth using?

Lastly, what spark plugs are folks happiest with?

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When I did my 3.5's water pump back in Feb, I used parts from the following manufacturers.

Spark plugs & thermostat - Motorcaft
Gaskets & seals - FelPro
Water pump and belt tensioner - AC Delco
Timing kit - Cloyes
Serpentine belt - Continental

I've put about 10K miles on the Explorer since then with no issues so far.

I would be very careful when it comes to critical parts. I posted a while back a link to a video on Youtube "I Do Cars". Every Saturday evening a video is posted of a complete engine failure, some catastrophic failures. In one particular case a Honda Odyssey engine was destroyed by the failure of an after market hydraulic tensioner. Upon disassembly it was clear that the engine had the water pump, timing belt, and tensioner replaced.

Personally I had never given it much thought but in the future, I will not use other than OEM part in a critical application. Not a big deal if the serpentine belt were to fail, or a spark plug. Just replaced the two mufflers on our 2014 with Walker. But saving a few $ on the water pump or tensioner, not worth it.


Okay, my Explorer (2016 3.7 155k miles) has just developed post-nasal drip, so a water pump change is in my future.

I see an ACDelco at $65, and FoMoCo at $110 -- is there a reason to buy or avoid one or the other?

While I'm in there, I might as well do the timing chain. I see FoMoCo in the $80 dollar range, and a bunch of aftermarket kits with chain, guides, etc. I also see kits with guides and other parts -- are any of these worth using?

Lastly, what spark plugs are folks happiest with?
Timing Chain - Original 2011-2023 Ford Timing Chain AT4Z-6268-A | Levittown Ford Parts
Water pump - Water Pump for 2017 Ford Police Interceptor Utility | Levittown Ford Parts
As a forum vendor, Levittown gives members a discount.
As for spark plugs, there are several threads on those you can find using the handy 'Search' feature at the upper right. Personally, I'd stick with OEM parts.

