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Prime example of Overcharging


New Member
March 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Belleville Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XL
Ok.. I just had to have my sending unit replaced due to a leak. So I bring my explorer to Canadian tire for a simple change of the sending unit. Once I get my vehicle in the shop they tell me how much the sending unit is.. Well I think it's a tad over priced so I take a second look. They are trying to sell me one with the fuel pump on it. So using the obvious I say," if it was a bad fuel pump would it be pissing fuel out of the top that fast?" The guy says well... I guess not.. so I tell him to get me one without the fuel pump saving me 85.00 bucks extra.
The mechanic pulls the tank and then says I need a new tank, fuel lines, gas tank straps and rear brake line. All for the low low price of an extra 650.00 bucks, so I start to laugh.. head out to the shop to take a look and see for myself. I ended up removing the sending unit myself after cleaning the rust and scaling, guess what... I didn't need a new tank.. the sending unit clamps were fine and held the new sending unit in nice and tight. The fuel line which the mechanic had already cut didn't need to be replaced either... I was able to get the rusted piece of the sending unit out of it. But now it's trashed anyway so it has to be done since he cut it already.
I checked the brake line and state the obvious... it's winter, it's wet, there was fuel all over it... and there is no sign of leakage when I press the brake pedal.. so why does it need to be replaced? Ohhhh because you see its wet... well duhhh it's winter. So no new brake line there... as it's fine.. thus saving me more money. So on to the tank straps... well one is fine and the other is just barely together as it's broke in one spot.. but yet they want to replace both. So I see the obvious... just use the off the shelf universal strapping which is cheaper... well no go there as the tank strap is slotted on one end.
So I come up with the solution... clean a spot on the strap and then weld the cheaper replacement strap onto the original tank strap to fix and reinforce it. The mechanic looked at me like I was nuts so I grabbed the welder and did it myself... took a whoppin 3 min. guess what.. good as new. Total cost 11.00 for the straps and welding supplies as they put it... no charge for labour as I made it I got charged an extra 35.00 for the new fuel line in parts and 35.00 in labour on it. The guy wanted to charge me a full hour to make it after I watched him do it in 10 min. .
So I went off on the service guy.. letting him know I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.. end result was half the labour plus parts cost.. which could have been done cheaper and faster with fuel hose and 4 clamps but he had to make it with the plastic line and special fuel fitting connection. My bill for all of this came out to 233.00, but had I have not been there to watch them like a hawk it would have been 883.00. So as you can see it pays to watch these people and question things... don't just accept what they say as gospel.


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There have been several threads on here about how much of a ripoff Canadian Tire is. Sounds like you caught 'em at it again!!

every single story about crappy tire is the same friend recently brought his truck there afteri told him not to...timing belt change, mostly everything was allready disassembled, bill came up to 700 bucks after they broke a bunch of things and charged him for can read it under the ranger forums here by coreymcmurray656. my cousin brought his truck in there to do an alternator change...old one out,new one in,right? wrong....not only did they put in the wrong one, but they did 2500$ worth of damage to his truck...took him and his mom 3 months of *****ing and complaining to get them to finally wave the charges....crazy...

:eek: my god ....these people sound like "rick pruitt goodyear" (local goodyear shop near me) these dip-sh-t's have ripped us off greatlly before,not only did they install wrong parts but they lied about the odometer reading for the warranty matters.

i like to think that i'm not a violent person ( i'm a easy going sort) but if i took my car in to be serviced and they try to charge me a arm,leg,and middle leg plus break alot of stuff to boot .....i'm sorry but you don't really want to be around me being mad .i WOULD get justice how ever possible.these people just can't do that ,dont they know that if they want a happy RETURNING customer then it's most likelly not a good idea to rape them for all you can then break there stuff on top of that ?!?! better to do what the customer wants to have done and be happy .word of mouth can kill a business ,that goodyear i mentioned.....had such a bad rep that they are still there but changed their name because they started looseing business like crazy.

bottom line is places like this need to know that ....they work for you ,not the other way around .


I am just glad I am not mechanically stupid and knew a few things. Other wise I would have been paying an arm and a leg for nothing. I just feel bad for people who don't know any better who have to suffer through those high exaggerated prices.

