Problem with Message Center | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problem with Message Center


April 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 5.0L V8 AWD LIMITED
Hello, just wanted to check and see if y'all have any suggestions. My message center just went blank this weekend, including the overhead compass & temp. Also this morning I went to use the heater and no warm/hot air would blow out. Also, the digital reading on the climate control is now reading in celcius and its always said farenheit. I looked thru the manual and replaced the fuses I thought it could be (#'s 9 &10). Any ideas what I should try next? Thanks for any help!


the C / F readout gets its "marching orders" from the message center so if your message center is toast so is the climate controls in terms of reading type. Checking fuses is only the first step of things.... you need to make sure that your power actually makes to the unit in question ... ie. the message center.... check for power on LG/Y amd GY/Y ... on is hot all the time the other is hot in run.... they both have to be there. Next check for grd on BK and BK/W. Hope it helps
