problematic seatbelt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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problematic seatbelt


Active Member
August 12, 2002
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Philly area, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 X Sport, '06 Ranger
A couple of months ago my front passenger seatbelt started squeeking, and recently it has become difficult for some of my passangers to pull and doesn't wind back up on it's own. So I decided to pull off the interior panel (not an easy job on a 2door) and opened the seatbelt housing to hunt for the problem and now am stuck on how to fix it. In the seatbelt, there is the main roll that the seatbelt rolls onto, and then there is another roller with a rubber sleeve that the belt goes around. The problem is the sleeve slid to the end of the roller and is rubbing up against the side of the housing. I tried moving the sleeve back to center, but after a few test pulls of the belt, it moved back and got stuck again.

So... my question is, does anyone have any suggestions about how to hold the sleeve in place?

I'll try to get a picture up as soon as I can if my explination isn't any good

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Just get a new one...messing with safety equipment isn't a good idea. If you screw it up, it could cost a life.......

I agree.

Plus I wouldn't reccommend buying from a wreaker either. As far as saftey equipment go, I'd buy direct from Ford. In my eyes, someones life is worth the extra $$.

You're experiencing one of the major flaws with the entire Explorer line, been there since the first models. The seatbelt systems are JUNK as far as the retracting mechanism. They will either bind up, or just get so weak that they don't pull the belt back in unless you feed it. If you look at any Explorer, I guarantee you'll see black streaks and indentations on the belt, caused by them being shut in the door.

For your problem, I agree with the others. Just go with new parts, maybe they will work for a while.


I was hoping not to replace it, the retracting mechanism and the other saftey mechanisms are all working perfectly. The roller I'm talking about, it's only job is to keep the belt straight as it goes into the mechanism, and to keep it from twisting, and possibly to even brush off any dirt that might get in ther and bind everyting up.

If I end up replacing it, does any one know how to remove stripped torx bolts?

Also, I have a couple of pics, but I didn't have time to crop and resize them down enough to put here. they're here.

The thing I am pointing an arrow too, is it the problem roller?

Also, the only way to remove stripped Torx bolts is with a pair of visegrips or something:(


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If it is that Torx bolt (the one holding the seatbelt assembly on), I don't know how you are going to get that out. Those bolts are huge, and they use a locking thread -- you need a wrench to turn them the entire way. You might have to drill the center out and use a big easy-out.

Good luck man!


yes, that's the roller I'm referring to. the belt comes down goes around that roller and then gets wound up on the upper one. I don't think it has any critical role in the operation of the seatbelt, except to prevent damage to the mechanisms above.

and yes, one of the bolts I stripped was the one holding the assembly on, the other one is the bolt that holds the other end of the belt to the floor

Replacement cost:

If you go new:

Ford part number: F1TZ98611B08 BB
Mitchell book states price as $90.72
this price may vary slightly, but should be able to get
it for around $100. (the left side is $197.72, ouch!)

Shop collision labor time is .8 (less than 1 hour). The shop will possible charge you mechanical labor which in my market is $55-$65 per hour.

I work for an insurance company and for any type of safety part, seatbelt, airbags, etc, we always go with new parts. Remember that a vehicle usually lands in a scrap yard becasue of a collision, and you never know how those seatbelts preformed last time. Are they now compromised? You can't tell in a lot of cases.
