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Question about differential


May 24, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Rosario, Santa Fe
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Limited
I just posted this in new members forum, and later readen the post that technical question shouldn't go there...

Hi everyone.
My name is Leandro, I'm from Rosario, Argentina.

I have a '98 Ford Explorer Limited, 4.0L SOHC AT with a LPG conversion, gas here is extremely expensive. Bought it 4 months ago.Love this SUV.




I have a question about my rear differential. I don't have the sticker on the drivers door with the axle codes, so I don't know if my differential is LSD or not and I have to change the oil in it. Is there a way to know if it is LSD or not? (I'm not talking about lifting it and direct testing, I'm talking about if there is a plate, another sticker, a code or whatever somewhere else)

I'm building a custom bumper, as soon as I get pictures of it I'll post them.


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There is a tag on the differential housing on one of the cover bolts,
The tag would have the ratio and if limited slip it has an "L". Example:
3L55 is a limited slip 3.55 to 1 gear ratio.
355 is not a limited slip.
4L10 is a 4.10 limited slip rear axle.

There is a tag on the differential housing on one of the cover bolts,
The tag would have the ratio and if limited slip it has an "L". Example:
3L55 is a limited slip 3.55 to 1 gear ratio.
355 is not a limited slip.
4L10 is a 4.10 limited slip rear axle.

this is the answer I was looking for, thanks so much.

it is a 3L73.

thanks for your help.

Then it is a Limited slip 3.73:1 Ratio. Use 75W-140 synthetic gear oil and 4oz. LS friction modifier. Some synthetic gear oils already have the friction modifier, read the manufacturers specifications to be sure.

Then it is a Limited slip 3.73:1 Ratio. Use 75W-140 synthetic gear oil and 4oz. LS friction modifier. Some synthetic gear oils already have the friction modifier, read the manufacturers specifications to be sure.

Thanks Scucci, I guess this friction modifier is going to be hard to get here in my city.

