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Question about instrument panel lighting

Chief 369

New Member
November 30, 2007
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Ballston Lake, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Is there a kit available to change the lighting for the instrument panel to a color other than the stock green?

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I'm not sure about a kit, but I believe there is a how-to guide on here about changing the colors of the instrument panel and A/C controls.


Thanks, Jackal. I'll start hunting!

i know they light up green but is it green lights? or is it actually green paint on the speedo? cuz i know some are painted gauges so no matter wut light you put behind it. it will shine the same. anybody know?

I'm not sure about a kit, but I believe there is a how-to guide on here about changing the colors of the instrument panel and A/C controls.

There is a thread or two on here but it deals with the older models and there was nothing in depth. Anyone done this on a newer model - post the link if you find one. I've been looking but came up empty.

i know they light up green but is it green lights? or is it actually green paint on the speedo? cuz i know some are painted gauges so no matter wut light you put behind it. it will shine the same. anybody know?

if u look at the instrument panel when it isnt lit, the gauges r really white... if u put a diff color LED bulb into the old bulbs place, ull be able to tell the difference... it must have some sort of green shroud over it that makes the light green

I'd love to get mine to be blue!

but usualy when you look at the cluster from behind and look at the back of the gauges they are sometimes the the color-$of the light when you turn them on and then it just shines through the face(which is white) so changing the bulbs wont do ****. but others its all about the bulbs

All switches (windows,AdavnceTrac, 4X4, message center, door locks) are green 3mm LEDS, the rear climate controls have some sort of green cover (paint?) under the plastic piece. The digital climate controls have very very small green LEDs, the headlight switch has a light bulb with a green rubber piece over it, the steering controls are very very small LEDs(like the digital climate), the instrument panel is white bulbs that shine thru green from the gauge panel.
I have all switches for 3rd gen that are blue instead of green, they are for sale if anyone is interested. Because it would be very hard to replace all the micro LEDs in the digital climate, and steering controls...i quit and replaced with new switches back to stock. If you buy the reverse glow instrument panel, and could figure out how to scrape off the green paint from behind the plastic panels of the A/C and the rear controls,this mod could be done...but does take a long time to complete.Ijust had the blue switches in my X and it looked awesome! If your interseted pm me.
This is from experimenting on my 2003 Limited.

yeah i replaced all my lights with blue EXCEPT the speedo..havent tackled that one yet


Wow! Didn't realize there were so many of us unhappy with the uninspired lighting from Ford. Great links, great information! Thanks all. I'll let you know how things shake out.
