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Question about Trans Cooler


June 21, 2008
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1997 4 Door AWD
I just bought a used explorer which didn't have a hitch or any factory wiring for a trailer. i called ford they said with the vin i gave them it didn't have the tow package. it is a v6 sohc which i know is fine to tow my small utility trailer under 3500 loaded. i went the junk yard today grabbed a hidden hitch and a trans cooler. after installing the hitch i moved to the cooler. to my suprise there was already a what looks like a "factory" trans cooler in front of the radiator as well as it being plumbed into the rad before going back to the trans. do i need to add the one i got today or will i be fine without it running the factory "add on" one. i know cooler is better for the trans but i also know over kill isnt always a good thing. thanks in advance.

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I dont think there is a such thing as over kill when it comes to trans cooler,
I have 2 in my truck, but only because I tow my boat long distances on vacation.
You already have the part so, it cant hurt.

I agree. You'd probably be fine with the stock one but since you have the second one already I would put it on. I also have 2 on my first gen, they cover most of the radiator. One suggestion though, if you do install the second cooler I would buy a can of tranny cooler flush to flush it out. If the truck you got the cooler off of had a blown transmission it would remove any metal particles that may be in the cooler.

Edit: Also it's best to run the coolers in parallel rather than in-line. By running them in parallel you reduce the restriction and also the load on the transmission pump.

There are alot of people that say it is not good to cool the tranny too much. I think it depends on what your going to be doing with your truck and where you live. I dont know where but if it gets really cold in the winter time the only drawback is the tranny will be cold for alot longer and will probably shift hard. I dont know if the fluid can be thicker when really cold or not. My work truck from my old job had an aftermarket tranny cooler on it because we overloaded it alot. I did notice the harder shifting in the winter time but all you have to do is stick a piece of cardboard in front of it to block the air flow from hitting it and it should be fine. Go for it! And post up pics when you've mounted it. I plan on getting one for my X too eventually.

On the Explorer transmissions, you can't cool them too much. They are vulnerable to heat damage. I've always run a dual set of tranny coolers on my Explorers and have never had transmission issues. Adding a second on top of the factory unit is a very good idea, especially if you're towing or subjecting the tranny to a lot of strain.

I'll back every one else up.

I too have the dual cooler set up.
I also run a remote filter and full flush every 50 with synth.

Not a lick of trouble.

yeah i kinda had the i already have it might as well install it attitude. i was planning a flush before the install as well as running it in series. i actually did some research on this board the last few days regarding the tranny cooler add on. i'll try to take some pictures during the install as well as after its done. thanks for the fast responses. one other ? is regarding synthetic trans fluid. i thought you had to use the mercon V or whatever it says in the manual. if not what are my other options.

Mercon V is a semi-synthetic and is recommended for this transmission in the manual. I wouldn't use anything lower quality than what's recommended but using full synthetics is fine and beneficial to the trans. You'd be fine running Mercon V if you don't want to step it up to a full synthetic ATF. If you do decide to use a full synthetic I would recommend Mobil 1 or Amsoil ATF. I've flushed my transmission and run 100% Mobil 1. I would recommend doing this if you don't mind spending the extra cash. Full synthetics can get very expensive, I think the Mobil 1 I bought was $6.50 a quart and I think I ended up using 20 quarts to flush the transmission. Amsoil is even more expensive but is top notch. Even with the price though I would still recommend it, because the transmission is the only thing I noticed a difference in when switching to full synthetic. The shifts are quicker, smoother and more positive feeling. Also I have a temp gauge and the transmission seems to run cooler.

you move to my next question. i have been doing some reading regarding adding the temp sensor. i remember seeing somewhere about an existing sensor that you can tap into but is it only on certain models or years. is there a way to tell if i can do this or is it just easier adding inline somewhere?

I don't know which Explorers have that temp sender already in the transmission. I'm thinking third gens but I don't know for sure. I know that my first gen doesn't have one so I added an external filter with a temp gauge. I recommend this set-up. I have the Perma-cool external transmission filter with temp gauge and sender. This is a very good kit that has everything necessary to add the filter and temp gauge, even the wiring connections. I think it's about $85 new although I got mine with an open box off of Ebay for $40. The only thing I had to buy was an A pillar gauge pod because I wanted to mount my gauge on the A pillar. It's a pretty easy install and you will know that you are doing all that you can to protect the notoriously weak V6 transmission.

Edit: This is the kit I have:

That is the one I have but I swaped the perma-cool guage for an autometer.

The autometer is more accurte than the perma-cool

That is the one I have but I swaped the perma-cool guage for an autometer.

The autometer is more accurte than the perma-cool

Did the gauge that you originally had say Perma-cool? I'm just curious because the gauge that I got was a Faria gauge, maybe they changed the gauge that they were providing in the kits? I'm just wondering if I should swap mine for something more accurate. But I always thought that Faria made good gauges.

Go for it.

Did the gauge that you originally had say Perma-cool? I'm just curious because the gauge that I got was a Faria gauge, maybe they changed the gauge that they were providing in the kits? I'm just wondering if I should swap mine for something more accurate. But I always thought that Faria made good gauges.

yeah that is what it was.

I compared it to my scan tool and it was a good bit off. That was understadable since the sensors are in two different locations.
I swaped to the auto-meter to go with the two other auto meter guages i have. Looks uniform ya know ? The auto meter is with in five degreese of the ECM. The faria was more like ten ot twelve.
