Questions on lifting my X and where to purchase lift kits? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Questions on lifting my X and where to purchase lift kits?


June 29, 2012
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2002 Ford Explorer
Hey guys! I have a 2002 Ford Explorer 4 door v.6 4x4 that I want to lift up enough so that the front sits level or slightly higher than the rear. Is a spacer lift from Brandon the easiest way to achieve this?

I would like to order one from Brandon but I am having trouble finding his phone number??
Are there any other options for lifting my 2002 X in order to make the front set level or slightly higher than the rear? If so, what are they?

If anyone has Brandons contact info, please let me know. Or if anyone has any other lift suggestions that would accomplish my goals, please list the contact info for those as well.


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I will give Brandon a call. Thanks! Now, where can I find a place to possibly order a bodylift for my 02 X? Also, who sells the lift springs and how can I get ahold of them?

there is a thread for the 3" bodylift and 1.5" bodylift in the sticky section for the modified 2002-2005, look through them to find the part number. sells lift springs, or rancho sells "quicklift" strut assemblies. either way, you don't want to combine either of those with a set of brandon's spacers, as the ride quality will be terrible and you're front upper balljoints will be almost maxed out, causing premature wear. 2.5" front and 2" rear i think are the max spacer heights. for every 1" of spacer, you will net 1.25" of suspension lift

there is a thread for the 3" bodylift and 1.5" bodylift in the sticky section for the modified 2002-2005, look through them to find the part number. sells lift springs, or rancho sells "quicklift" strut assemblies. either way, you don't want to combine either of those with a set of brandon's spacers, as the ride quality will be terrible and you're front upper balljoints will be almost maxed out, causing premature wear. 2.5" front and 2" rear i think are the max spacer heights. for every 1" of spacer, you will net 1.25" of suspension lift

Thanks for the reply Kazer! I have a couple of more questions that I would like to ask though.

First, out of all three lifting methods, springs vs quicklift structs vs spacer vs bodylift, which of those 4 methods are the cheapest (price wise) and easiest (ie less or no cutting or welding) to install? If I go with 1.75inch spacers in the front, what kind of tire size could I possibly fit?

Thanks for the reply Kazer! I have a couple of more questions that I would like to ask though.

First, out of all three lifting methods, springs vs quicklift structs vs spacer vs bodylift, which of those 4 methods are the cheapest (price wise) and easiest (ie less or no cutting or welding) to install? If I go with 1.75inch spacers in the front, what kind of tire size could I possibly fit?

The 1.5" body lift is the cheapest (around $50). See this thread:

3" body lift is also a good deal. For our trucks you can use the PA 883 kit for a 98-00 ranger. Summit Racing sells their own brand of it for cheaper, though...same parts just in a different box:

As far as easiest, I'd say either quicklift struts or spacers. Really the difficulty is pretty much the same with either one since you have to remove the OEM strut to install either of them.

The tire size you're looking at for the 1.75" front spacer is going to be either 265/75/16 or 265/70/17 (about 31-32" depending on size and manufacturer). Same thing on the body lifts. If you run both a spacer lift and 3" body lift together you could probably fit a 285/75/16.

Thanks for the replies fellows. I read through the threads you guys recommended, but, I am confused as to how you go about raising the bumpers (front and rear) when installing a 3 inch or 1.5inch bodylift? Does anyone make lifted bumper brackets? I am sort of confused as to what they are refering to in those threads?

If you do the 1.5in body lift you don't need the bumper brackets.

If you do the 3in body lift you need to use the front brackets in the PA 883 kit, but you need to make your own brackets for the rear bumper.

The 1.5" body lift does not require a steering shaft extension or front bumper brackets. The rear bumper will have a small gap but you can fill it in with impact foam (same stuff that's in the bumper). For the 3" lift its not a big deal to widen the stock bumper mounting holes to accept the brackets...I used a drill. The rear bumper can be flipped to move it up but you can also make your own brackets (see the sticky). You'll need a dremel tool or angle grinder if you make your own ones. For the steering shaft extension you need to file down the thickness of the male end so it fits into the stock steering shaft receptacle. Also a good job for a dremel tool or angle grinder.

I had a local blacksmith guy cut me a couple of rings a half inch thick 5"OD & 3"ID, drilled the holes, put them on the front and it raised it 7/8". I have enough room on the studs on top of the struts for another 3/8". My new struts have longer studs than my OEM ones. It made it look level, the space between front tire & fender is same as rear. I'll add the 3" body lift soon. My wife is the only one who can't notice the difference, but she doesn't know how to measure anything luckily, she still thinks 2" & 6" is the same.

