quick question before i get my shotgun.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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quick question before i get my shotgun..


Active Member
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT 4X4
i've heard that after drilling holes in ones airbox the engine becomes louder..i was wondering just how much louder..i sleep in my truck during winter and colder month camping and run my heater of course..i some times do this in campgrounds, and i wouldnt want to annoy anyone too much...i know it hard to answer "loudness" questions with words, but is it just a little, so so , or alot...

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it's still pretty quiet with the airbox mod until you get into the throttle a little ways, then she perks up quite a bit. I don't think you'd be waking anyone up at idle speeds.

hope this helps


The loudness only comes when you hit the gas. It sounds very much like when you stomp on it with an old four barrel carb. When you are not hitting the go button there is no difference in sound whatsoever.

oh yeah..i forgot to metion i recharge my aux battery at slightly above idle for extended campouts...so i guess i(they) will just have to deal with it...its not that often it happens anywayz..mostly at festivals and stuff..so theres alot of noise anyway...still quieter than a generator...
