quite a few decisions, lil guidance needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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quite a few decisions, lil guidance needed

ok, im selling my 33x13.5x15s, and i dont know what to get, here are some options:

31x12.5 on 15x10s with my 3"bl
32x11.5 " "

I love to offroad, wont see much of it this year, but i love mud and snow. What tire is good?

some pro comp xterrains? (31x12.5)
some pro comp mud terrains? (32x11.5,or 12.5)

I saw the look on "the hulk" but he had thornbirds. I know this forum isnt very partial to 15x10s, but thats what i got. Does anyone have any pics of these setups? alteast sizes?


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I've heard the X-terrains are a lot better than their MTs. Dead Link Removed

i would say go with at least the 32's i have thirty ones with the spindle lift and i wish i had gone at least 32 but i got a killer deal on the 31's so i cant complain

if u love mud i wouldn't get any procomp tire out now. i had the xterrains and i was not happy at all with the mud performance. i got rid of them for that same reason. but it was my mistake for buying them for mud though :rolleyes: damn buy 3 get 1 free. other than that i liked them. anyways i've heard so much crap about the mud terrains in mud that i knew not to even considere them. they clean out about as good as an all terrain. :thumbdwn: heard it from anyone and everyone who ran them "they suck in mud". and your stepping down from some swamper ltb's so it'll be night and day difference. atleast get a good mt. i'm quite partial to bfg mt's. not like a swamper in the mud but still good. and better than any procomp. imho thats what i think you should do. but again thats my opinion and u should get what u want.
