Raceway Park, NJ: Sept 27 show/swap meet | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Raceway Park, NJ: Sept 27 show/swap meet

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Am I starting to remind you of the paper boy in the the movie, Better off Dead?"

I would really like to get those rims soon.


Did you post in the wrong thread about those rims Terry?

I'll go but it's all based on a couple things. What time is everyone meeting and what time is this thing over? I'm about to see how far of a drive it is for me so if I can do it in a day I'll go.

Mwa ha ha....No more AOL!!!!


Sorry I was gone so long gang....I thought Justin or Mike would have had this planned out already, but Jus has to work and Mike is who knows where :p *sigh* If you want it done right, get a woman to do it :D

I'm gonna vote for 10am at Oasis Ford on Route 9, on Saturday the 27th, as the meeting point again- it's a pretty large dealer and not hard to find at all. I honestly don't know about sleeping accomodations for anyone who wants to stay overnight for wheeling in Mahwah the next day- any suggestions from the Jerksians???

I'll be there..this is my birthday treat to myself :)

Come on crackpots, let's get this thing rolling already- it's only a week away!

10AM works for me. What time is this thing usually over? Mapquest says its 2.5 hours for me. I might be bringing my friend Tom again. He's a good co-pilot.

sorry ppl but as of now I cant make it, my grandmother (pretty much my whole family rolled into one person) had to be rushed to the hospital and im goin through some **** right now. Wisky bottles callin.... ciao

Hope whatever it is works out Chris.

Sorry 'bout your grandma, Slapnuts :( Hope she's all right.

Cj, we usually walk around and poke fun of the Chevies til 3-4pm then go goof around.....this time (if Justin and Doug are still willing) we're heading to Justin's garage to do some work on my power steering rack (read: Much BSing, little work, lol)

I'll see if I can get Justin to post exact directions, since I can never recall the backroads to get into the Raceway.

Can we get on the track?

Don't you worry, you'll be on the track. but there wont be any racing going on. I should be good for this weekend, I've pretty much joined the army, looks like i'm going to be a Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer and Integrator. :D

I've pretty much joined the army, looks like i'm going to be a Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer and Integrator. :D

Which is just a fancy way of saying "potato peeler" :D :D :D

Cj, on certain nights you can race on the track- Mike was racing tonight as a matter of fact- but on swapmeet weekends, we park our trucks on the track for the show...I think it's $10 to show and $5 if you want to park outside instead (you do it and I'll choke you).

Augh....are you all watching the news? My poor county...we lost a lot of our historic Havre De Grace :( I'm gonna need some fun next weekend- my boss is setting my entire company up in a hotel in VA beach all week to clear out all the flood cars :p

My mom was telling me she got some wild pics down there, there where cars floating around she said and almost lost the suburban but she was able to drive it out of where she was parked but the bottoms of the doors where underwater aparently. She's gonna get the pics developed today and I'll hopefully find a way to post them online here.

howdy ho neighbors.
how is everyone lonh time no speak
so i hear that doug your joining the army good luck


Can't make this one. Got too much other stuff going on.

Alright, im pretty sure I can come. You gonna go now Ray?:p

I was just waiting on you, Steve. :D I don't want to be alone with these off road guys. ;) :p Hell yea, I'm in!

So who do we have coming now?


Meeting Place: Oasis Ford (parking lot?) on route 9 at 10am this Saturday, 9/27.

So what exit is it off route 9?
How far is it off Holland tunnel?
What time do we split? (wife wants to know ;) )

I dunno if i can go now.. :( I'm suffering from fundsalow and my parents want me to go away with them next weekend.. i dunno yet but i kinda doubt ill be there though i really want to go.

Fundsalow is definately going around. I've got a pretty bad case of that right now too.

So we are back to...

Well, I decided that, if Doug is not going and X24 is going then I might not go, unless LiKuiD decides to not go because one of you is actually going and then I'd probably go...

:( :( :(

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