Randomly shuts off | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Randomly shuts off


August 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Salt Lake City, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Eddie Bauer
Hey guys today while driving down the road going about 40 mph, I slowed to take a turn. Just as I was slowing my check engine, check gauge lights illuminated, the car had completely shut down. The stereo remained on but the power steering died.

I pulled to the side and put the car in park and I restarted it immediately. Everything seems normal now but obviously something happened.

What could have happened?? I have only had the vehicle a few weeks and don't really know this vehicle that well yet. I had a fulltank of gas and the truck seems to have been taking care of really well.

I appreciate anyones insight into my situation


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I had two similar issues. One that was close was in my explorer. turned out to be a bad brain.

The other, which matched your experience exactly was in a 03'ish P71 Crown vic. The mechanics told me I had "the drubs". Loosely translated, they say that a combination of bad gas, a clogging fuel filter, and maybe something downstream all acts together, you get into a curve, it slogs the engine off.

Which really, really REALLY sucked at 91MPH. No engine=no power brakes and steering anymore.

Never did find out how they fixed it though....

My 05 had a similar problem. I was driving with the cruse control on at 35-mph and it just stalled. It was still under warrenty at the time, so I had a stealership look at it. They could not reproduce the stall. They did reprogram the computer and we have not had any problem since.

This is a known issue. Basically at that low speed, usually down a hill with no or only light throttle, the engine drops to about 300rpm - it then just stalls. There are 2 fixes for it - get the ECU reflashed by a dealership, or if you have XCal3, set the drive idle speed to 750rpm (stock is 700).

what is the xcal3?

BTW thank you gentlemen for all the replies!
