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really dumb question, im sorry


March 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Eddie Bauer
i like to do alot of tailgating but whenever i want to leave my trunk open i can never figure out how to turn the interior lights off. Is there any way to keep the trunk door open and also keep the interior lights off?

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You have to close the latches on the hatch door to turn out the lights. Just remember that you have to open them back up before closeing the hatch door or it won't close. The light switch is on the latches of the door.

On my 98 you can put the dash dimmer right the way down and you feel a small click. This turns off the interior lights. You can do the opposite too all the way up , small click and they are on. Hope this helps.

Build a tailgating switch. I did this to my X and I can supply the wiring info if anyone is interested. Basically the rear hatch is (internally) wired to the Drivers side latch mechanism. I wired in a toggle switch and can disable the rear hatch with a simple push of the toggle button..

do the 97s not have the dial that turns it off? its the same dimmer switch but like howard said, if turn it all the way it will turn em off.

In 98 they started with the feature that allows you to diable the interior lights. Closing the latches seems like the best idea to me.

THERE ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO SAY SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, we all had to learn some time.
The best way to learn, ask.
No one was born with the knowledge.

Sorry to yell, I am just sick and tired of people beating them selves up thinking they are stupid or their questions are stupid.

This place is here for one main reason.

Hmmm...this gives me an idea.

I'm wondering if I can get a dimmer switch from a '98 and put it in my '96 so I can control the interior lights. That would be pretty interesting if that works.

If you leave your door/liftgate open for about 20 minutes without opening or closing anything else, the lights will automatically shut off to save power.

But if you open another door or close one, it will reset the "timer" for another 20 minutes or so.

Hope this helps;)

That's funny Matt, but my 97 doesn't do that. If I leave the hatch open, the lights won't turn off.

Howard, The 97's dont have that option.

Billy, The dimmer switch is completely different. I have one out of a 98 and I'm still trying to figure it out. There's more wires on the 98 and the connector is different also.

Maybe its a fluke Ray... How long do you live your door open without touching it? Maybe try 30 minutes;)

Just remembered... Ray... do you leave your key in? It does this if the car is turned off with no key in the ignition.

Originally posted by DEROCHA
Build a tailgating switch. I did this to my X and I can supply the wiring info if anyone is interested. Basically the rear hatch is (internally) wired to the Drivers side latch mechanism. I wired in a toggle switch and can disable the rear hatch with a simple push of the toggle button..

I would be interested in your wiring info.

I went out shooting one day and left the rear door open for half a day, got back to the truck and had to get a jump start. The lights never went out.

I dunno Ray... maybe its just a fluke:D :D

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
That's funny Matt, but my 97 doesn't do that. If I leave the hatch open, the lights won't turn off.

Billy, The dimmer switch is completely different. I have one out of a 98 and I'm still trying to figure it out. There's more wires on the 98 and the connector is different also.

Ray, my truck has a time delay off too. If you leave doors open for about 20 or 40 minutes (I don't remember), the interior lights will shut off automatically, but like what Matt said, if you open another door, the timer will reset.

Thanks very much for letting me know about the dimmer switch. I guess it's not worth getting one and figure it out then. Man, I love this board!! :D

I'll post some photos later, but here is a quick how to.
Remove the rear hatch skin. The Driver's side latch is wired to the dome light circuit (1st Gen, others will be similiar). Cut one of the wires (either one) and connect each end onto the toggle switch. With the switch On the circuit functions normally, with the switch off the latch switch is removed from the dome light circuit.

I placed the toggle switch in the center of the door slighly under the door lock. A Photo to come...

  • Supplies
  • 12v toggle switch (look for low profile)
  • Wire
  • 2 female spade connectors
  • Electrical tape

it's the oh so wonderful "battery saver" feature. all will shut down in 40 minutes. this is one feature i like alot.

my '95 will shut off the interior lights after 40 minutes if you don't have the keys in the ignition and don't open or close any more doors.

I have seen the battery saver kick in once, went camping and was using the lights on the car to set up camp and as a light source till we got the fire going and the lanterns light. kept the lights on for an hour or so and all of a suddent they went off, tried to start the car and it did the usual dead battery sound but it did eventually turn over enough to fire up the engine again.

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The auto shut off is a good Backup, but I would rather be in control of my lights. IMO a dimmer switch which can be scrolled all the way down and then OFF is the correct setup.
