Rear caliper guide pins press fit- do not remove? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear caliper guide pins press fit- do not remove?


November 27, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Ellicott City, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
Changing rear brakes on 2017 xlt. I was surprised when removed the bolts on pins as I had assumed that the whole pin would come out when I loosened that bolt like most other calipers I have worked on. Then I watched video and it showed guy pulling out guide pins and cleaning and lubing then. But watched another video that said they are press fit and not to remove them as then whole anchor plate would need to be replaced. I have Haynes manual and it says the "guide pins are pressed into the mounting bracket (anchor plate). Do not try to remove them or they will be damaged and the mounting bracket will have to be replaced." But like I said, I watched video by A1 Auto for 2011-2017 rear brakes and he just pulls out pins? If they don't come out, how can you clean/ grease them?

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Not sure what other video you referencing and why the Haynes manual would state the pins are pressed in.
The pins are definitely not pressed in and can be removed to grease them.
You're right, that makes no sense as the pins need to be removed to lubed.

This video (5:40) shows the same as the A1 video you mention.


I had to go dealer to get rotors as the noise that I thought was wear indicator rubbing was in fact the pad completely worn and it grooved rotor on inside where I could not see due to the full shield behind rotor. I asked the parts guys and they hadnt heard of that. I got home and the pins pulled right out there is an area of plastic or hard rubber near tip. The pins were in perfect shape with clean grease, but I cleaned them all up and put some synthetic caliper lube on them. Everything working fine. Thx for your help.

🤣🤣🤣 thought you guys might like this one. So, I just bought a Haynes manual for my 13 and was looking over some things. I came across this and remembered this post. Thought I would share these pics for ya.

Hope you can read letter d, but it does state ""the caliper guide pins are pressed into the mounting bracket (anchor plate). Do not try to remove them or they will be damaged and the mounting bracket will have to be replaced.""

Then I turned the page and saw 4.8h says to remove the pins, clean, grease and reinstall them. 🤦🤦



2018 Platinum I have removed the rear pins and greased them, more then a couple of times. Works fine. never replaced an Anchor plate.
