Rear tailgate won't open or unlock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear tailgate won't open or unlock


May 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport

1999 Ford Explorer Sport.

I can hear it trying to engage when I use the key fob to unlock the doors, but it does not make contact (just hear a slight click).

Using the key to unlock to rear tailgate does not work either. The tailgate latch has no resistance (same feel as when it is locked).

The window was opening, but I was messing around with the lock and key and seemed to have locked that now too....before I did this, I noticed that even though I could not open the tailgate, the rear window would open, but it would not lock (thus giving anyone access to my belongings).

Wondering if this is something I can fix fairly easily, or if I need to take it in to have done.

Thanks very much.

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You'll need to remove the interior trim panel and see what's going on in there. Luckily that can be done with the tailgate closed. Unfortunately, you need to get the window open though...



Hey hey! Having the same problem with my 00 Mountaineer. Yea, its won't unlock with the keyless entry and now its taking more and more tries each time with just the unlock button. Just like u said theres no resistance on the door latch. If i wasn't at college right now i'd try to fix it and post my process. If nobody else helps i'm goin home in 2 weeks and i'll do it then.


what to do what to do.....if it wasn't so cold outside, I'd attempt to take the panel off today....not that I'd know what the heck I was looking for....

I have read a thread about removing the panel - do I really need to buy a panel remover tool? Or will a screwdriver work just as well?

I wish I wasn't such a monkey when it came to any sort of auto repairs....but I am trying to learn....

For me it was just the door lock actuator, got a generic one from a car alarm shop for like 6 dlls and I used a screwdriver to take off the panel, I was able to open the hatch by manually pulling the door lock from the inside; took me a couple of hours to get everything done ~ 3 years ago (don't really rememeber) and it still works

Fixed - somewhat...

Hey guys - thanks for the help. I managed to get the panel off, without the rear window being open (I had to cut one small piece of plastic on the panel first). The actuator had 'frozen' b/c I had gotten the truck washed at a hi-powered touchless wash a few days prior (and some water seeped in).

Anyway, the Liftgate locks and unlocks now, no problems.

HOWEVER, now my rear window refuses to fact, it will pop open even if I hit a strong enough bump.

I tried locking it manually (with key) but there's no resistance at all, either way. The lock is obviously not engaging.

Realistically all I need is a way of keeping the rear window locked. I don't need to use it so long as the liftgate works.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again.

does the latch mechanism just need to be lubed?

My liftgate wouldn't latch, I shot dry lube into it, now it works like a charm.
