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Removal of stock air filter box


Active Member
February 3, 2002
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'98 Sport 4x4 SOHC
How do I remove the lower portion of the stock air filter box. I am able to remove everything besides the lower portion of the box. I can't find any screws holding it down.:(

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If I remember correctly, it just pulls out. It sits on 3 rubber posts that go through the bodywork. Some of the boxes had plastic push rivets that you had to pull (the Explorer's that came stock with the conical filters), but the square boxes all just pull out.

On my 92, there are 3 or 4 bolts in the wheel well that holds it on. It's probably much different for a 98, but it's a thought.

Yeah like JDraper said, its held in by rubber grommets. You have to pull really hard to get them to let go.

pull hard, and I mean really hard, but watch your fingers.

Tie it to a tree, put 'er in Reverse and no, wait a minute, just pulling on it might be a better option. :)

How 2001 X Sport?!? I pulled and pulled and pulled and it won't come out!

just pull as hard as you will come

Here is the secret. Pull your fender liner and get a BFScrewdriver (similar to a BFH :) ). As someone pulls up on the box, push the grommets out from the bottom. The box comes out with no problem, or swearing. Otherwise you may be pulling for days, and could possibly damage the box.


Thanks for the help. I'll try pulling it out.

I'd bet that Ford has a "special too" to remove it. The plastic pins that are part of the air-box have three equally spaced holes. If there was a three pronged tool that you could stick into the holes, it would spread the rubber grommet which would allow the pin to slide right out. Be careful pulling too hard. When I removed mine I busted one of the pins off the bottom of the air-box.

Does this work the same for first gen explorers or am i gonna need 2 BFHs and a reciprocating saw?

Eat your wheaties first!

Actually its not a matter of pulling as hard as you have to wiggle it also. You can get it out by pulling like a bull, but when it comes loose you will sail across the garage AFTER loosing all of the skin off of your knuckles. Not that it happend to me that way.:eek:
