removing coolant tubes 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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removing coolant tubes 5.0


Active Member
October 23, 2009
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Pacific N/W
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2000 Explorer sorta
The coolant tubes on the RH side of the engine, how the heck? LOL
I searched but maybe phrased it wrong. I am thinking about taking it off and redoing it to fit better in my Volvo. (engine swap)
Puts the hoses too close to the firewall.
Anyway I looked in my FSM and found nothing.

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This picture might help. Beware the smaller lines halfway up the tubes ( not seen in this picture) circulate coolant through the upper plennum--


yes, the threaded part spins. I think I have a cut wrench for this, to allow a pipe for a wrench extension. You will need to eat your wheaties for this, it's on there good. Note the red lock tight sealer stuff.

eat your wheaties for this, it's on there good. Note the red lock tight sealer stuff.

I think I might get by w/o removing it after all. But nice to know if I need to.
It seems that the pipes might be spot or tack welded together as I cut the tab between the two and they stayed together? Anyway like I said I may be o.k. w/o pulling it. Good info for the next guy!
