O2 sensor location 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O2 sensor location 5.0


Active Member
October 23, 2009
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2000 Explorer sorta
Short story: Can someone get a location of the RH (pass) side O2?
Measure from where the engine/trans bolts together.

Long story: I am doing the world slowest engine swap. 2000 Explorer 5.0 into a 1980 Volvo. What I have found is the O2 wire harness has 3 connectors on top of the transmission. I believe the one I want to use on the RH side is the blue connector (closest blue connector that is)
I am only using the forward 2.
What I am finding is where I added the O2 bung is too far forward and the sensor will never reach. Before I weld another bung I want a ballpark to use as a guide.

Space and exhaust routing is for sure different in a Volvo, so exact measurement is not necessary.

Thanks in advance!

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If you can wait till morning I have mine all apart and can give you the measurement from the flange to the sensor

I don't know if it helps, but I replaced mine and the old one has a length of about 15 inches.

Am I correct in thinking the forward RH sensor connectors will be blue?
(the O2 sensor I have is)
The trans harness which has 3 connectors, has 2 blues and 1 gray.
I'm pretty sure the blue connector that is tied to the gray will be for my RH
front O2.

Sorry to ask such basic questions. I see that the gray harness for LH O2
comes from the engine harness. (after a pic from TestPoint)
Which is backwards from how the yard I sourced the sensors from marked them.

Hope I'm being clear this is new territory to me.

I did get some wire color info(again from TestPoint) but it was not clear
since the wiring is installed and very hard for me to see.

The factory service manuals were not very detailed re: the sensors or wire locations.

My cats are magnaflow but other than the pipe size they are same as stock


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No problem, if you need any more let me know, I'll be putting it all back together probably Wednesday

Just going off memory (never 100%) I think the bungs were further upstream on the 2000. (?) Anyone confirm or deny that thought?

I'll check tonight and see if I can make heads or tails out of whats left of my
Explorer down pipes that TestPoint gave me.

My pipes are 99 /01 and match the stock locations on my 99 mounty, they also mached the 97 I just stripped, the o2 bung you are talking about is way up there when the pipes are in place

Looks like I got a rear O2 as far as I can tell. Its 10-11" and has a part# of F85F-9G444 AB which (just starting to verify) seems to be a rear sensor.

Maybe I should go look at a front sensor at a parts house. Aftermarket Bosch the same as factory Bosch?

I wish I went with a complete donor car. Hind site is.................. ;)

Looks like I got a rear O2 as far as I can tell. Its 10-11" and has a part# of F85F-9G444 AB which (just starting to verify) seems to be a rear sensor.

Maybe I should go look at a front sensor at a parts house. Aftermarket Bosch the same as factory Bosch?

I wish I went with a complete donor car. Hind site is.................. ;)

I hear ya, my v8 sport has been the same way,

Interestingly the LH O2 seems about 16" further forward than the RH.
I picked up the new O2 and its about 15" long just like jremington59 said it was.

Now how far back can the O2 be place and still work as planned?

I can work it in (tight) about 16" back from where I put the bung in the 1st place.(thinking they would be the same side to side.... NOPE!)
A better fit would be 24" further back from where the bung is now. Near the engine/trans bolts together.


I hear ya, my v8 sport has been the same way,

Curious if you (or someone watching this thread) could give me an approx
distant from the exhaust pipe flange to half way on the exhaust manifold.
That'll get me close since my block huggers go down about in the middle.

I'd guess shy of a foot?

I will try to get that for you tomarrow
