Repaint stock nerf bars to diff color. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Repaint stock nerf bars to diff color.

I have a black '95 X. It has the plastic rocker guards stock. I have a loose set of stock gray nerf bars to install on it. I want to paint them black to match. Any suggestions?

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Monmix said to make sure the paint has a flex agent so they won't crack up... I painted mine, used about 4 coats. But they sit unused... so I don't know if they crack or not.

Monmix said to make sure the paint has a flex agent so they won't crack up... I painted mine, used about 4 coats. But they sit unused... so I don't know if they crack or not.

Would you happen to know if the flex agent is an additive? I have heard of that for use on plastic bumpers and such, was never sure if it was an additive or a certain paint. I am also wondering if I should matt finish them and add clear, or just a straight gloss.:dunno:

Good questions... I assumed Krylon did because it's made for plastics. I didn't have any problems with the bumper pad, but I think I used Duplicolor - I don't recall. I did use glossy.

I am in the process of painting mine from gray to black. My father is a PPG paint rep. He suggested first an etching primer, then high build primer, then paint. I plan to use gloss paint.

I am in the process of painting mine from gray to black. My father is a PPG paint rep. He suggested first an etching primer, then high build primer, then paint. I plan to use gloss paint.

Thanks, that is good advice! The factory clear coat was bothering me for adhesion. The etching primer will eat and bond to the clear coat. I am cleaning them, now with lacquer thinner, and then give them a light sanding, and another thinner bath. Anyone want pics on this? (Paint & install) If I can figure out how to upload them, I will do it.

I am re-painting mine because they have the standard Explorer rust. So my garage is full of rust and paint dust from days of wire wheel and grinder use. I figured if I am going to do it I should do it right with the etching primer etc.

I am re-painting mine because they have the standard Explorer rust. So my garage is full of rust and paint dust from days of wire wheel and grinder use. I figured if I am going to do it I should do it right with the etching primer etc.

I would like to see yours when your done. Are you masking off the step pads? I am thinking of painting mine with bed liner, it comes in a spray can.

The step pad comes off. It has "clips" holding it down, that are part of the underside of the pad. I just used a 2" putty knife to get under it and pulled. I painted the pad with Krylon Fusion. As for finished pictures, that will be awhile as I am doing the rear bumper and the hitch all at the same time.

Yeah, I tried to pull mine off, but the clip broke on the first pull/lift. I figured screw that. Make another problem for myself, no thanks. I taped & masked off the bars only. Sprayed the pads, & hangers (both sides), with 2 coats of Spray on bed liner. It really looks good.
Next step is to mask off everything but the bars, and paint. I have been taking pics of the diff steps as I go, get them up soon as I can.

the nerf bars wont flex so you'll be fine.

Scuff, clean, shoot.
Pretty simple process.

the nerf bars wont flex so you'll be fine.

Scuff, clean, shoot.
Pretty simple process.

That is exactly what I am doing.:D
Doing the bars after work tomorrow. Going to try some acrylic black lacquer. A couple of clear coats over that should give them some depth.

forgotten update!

Its been awhile since this thread started, so to not leave it unfinished, here are some pics.
Sand, and scuff the factory clear coat, wash with lacquer thinner.

Mask off pads, the clips were going to break, so this was my solution.

Sprayed on bed liner over the step pads and hangers.


Removed the hangers, masked off the step pads, and sprayed black lacquer 2-3 coats.


Time for the clear coat, 3 coats of lacquer acrylic clear.



Got them installed and it got dark on me, but you can see them on the rig.


Stuff I used


This was a pretty easy mod, took my time, and enjoyed doing it. This was definitely a summer mod. I do get comments about them, since I left the rocker trim on, I don't have the space between them and the body. Mine looks diff then any other X I have seen on the road.:D
