Replace my cloth Seats for Leather w/headrest | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replace my cloth Seats for Leather w/headrest


New Member
January 16, 2003
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City, State
Hyattsville, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XL 2-door
I heard that you can replace a 1993 2-door explorer xl front seats with the seats in an aerostar. If so, what year? What is another way to replace my seats w/o spending over 1000 for leather replacement seats?

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If the seats are still good, and you just want the leather look, i would check out They have kits to replace the cloth with the leather. I'm looking into them myself. They aren't to pricy either, much cheaper than completely new seats though.

Thanks, Im going to check it out right now.

Yeah, I saw those on 'TRUCKS', Stacey installed them on an Explorer and they looked really cool.

I caught that episode too Bash... looked like a lil work but what better thing to do on a spring morning, right?

It's a consideration, and surprisingly not as hard as pulling your bottom lip over your head as it seems like in some re-upholstering jobs. My covers are still clean, and I'm not sure if I want leather quite yet, but katzkins seems a nice way to go.

I went to that site, but it didn't have any prices. I called a place here in MD to install the seat covers...they told me 999?!?!?!
