Replacing Upper Intake Manifold | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing Upper Intake Manifold


New Member
January 3, 2013
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City, State
Long Island, NY
Hi all,

I'm helping a friend with removing and replacing a "what we believe is" upper intake manifold for 1998 Mercury Mountaineer V6 (4.0) which looks like the same as Ford's model. Funny thing is the pictures we view online at part stores does not seem to match the actual item. There is a few photos in this forum of the correct manifold.

Here is the thread which has some photos:

Here is one of such photos :

Does anyone know where:

1) I can purchase the correct part.
2) Where there are visual instructions (maybe even a thread I missed) to remove and replace it.

Thanks very much for anyone's help


The 1998 SOHC V6 has a variable intake system (VIS) which is slightly different than the 2000 shown in my photo you reference. However, the upper intake manifold gaskets and the lower intake manifold gaskets are the same for all of the 2nd generation SOHC V6s. I suggest that you replace the lower gaskets as well as the upper gaskets. See Starting my 00M12 Installation
The link in the first post of the thread is to another post about replacing the 1998 gaskets. Just ignore the parts about the hydraulic tensioner and galley restrictor.

Thanks that was very useful. It turns out the lower intake manifold is what is pictured on many websites when you look-up upper intake manifold. We will be working on it soon.

Thanks again
