Roof rack pics please! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roof rack pics please!


Well-Known Member
November 6, 2007
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Ray ND
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'98 XLT, 66 Mustang
I am looking to see what roof racks people use, what they like or dislike, sizes, and if it didn't come with a tire mount option how you mounted it. pics would rock also.

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On my sport trac, I have a Yakima Megawarrior (measures something like 48x50" off the top of my head). I mounted mine directly to the factory roof rack. If you have factory crossbars, it will come with the hardware to mount it. I mounted the tire with a yakima spare tire carrier.
I like it because it is the perfect width, perfect length (you can buy an extension for it too), it's solid (I can walk around on it no problem), no rust as of yet. Easy to find light mounts, hi-lift mounts, shovel/axe mounts, etc.





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bump. thanks brian! that one looks good as it has more crossbars than the surco, there are many other people that want roof racks, I am trying to get a thread together that shows all the diferent styles and how people like theem

I got my coleman one from Costco for $69 shipped to my door...yes $69 shipped.


On my sport trac, I have a Yakima Megawarrior (measures something like 48x50" off the top of my head). I mounted mine directly to the factory roof rack. If you have factory crossbars, it will come with the hardware to mount it. I mounted the tire with a yakima spare tire carrier.
I like it because it is the perfect width, perfect length (you can buy an extension for it too), it's solid (I can walk around on it no problem), no rust as of yet. Easy to find light mounts, hi-lift mounts, shovel/axe mounts, etc.





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just wondering what camera you used to take those pictures? nice pics btw :)

My tire rack, Soon to house a high lift jack & shovel:



here is my roof basket. i drilled holes in the basket and used longer metric bolts to secure it to the factory roof rails using the screw plates in the rails. also i mounted my 3' cb ant. to it with a truckers window mount and a spring. i just used a couple of ratchet straps to hold my tire, but i modified the stock location to fit the 33



I'm such a hypocrite. I made my own and haven't posted detailed pics. I'll climb on top of the ####er and do it tomorrow. I'll even take my spare off.

ok here we go. outside dimensions are 46x65. I made it out of 1" steel square tubing. I think 3/4 woulda been better as it is lighter. I have 4 bars running the length front to back. on the inside so they are 63". the uprights that tie the hoops together are 2 inches. that is for a total of 4 inches high. There is a welded crossbar just between the middle bars with a bolt welded to it, this will accomodate a 35" tire. I had a plate square plate cut and wellded 2 bolts to it to hold the tire down. then I created a wing nut with a bolt and a few peices of steel rod to hold the tire down. it is just bolted to the current roof rack. with a few 1/2 inch bolts and tabs welded to the frame of the rack. the front airfoil is to help (slightly) with gas mileage and for looks too. it's just a piece of thin sheet metal. I do not know the cost as the parts as I was not charged for square tubing. the company my bro in law works for just doesn't care because they use so much of it. on to the pics!!





Cool!! you have a mini DTV antenna in your truck!! Hehehe
Is that bolt for the tire, strong enough? I'm not flaming your work, I just don't know anything about welding and structural design

****, I said bolt. it's a nut welded with the rod just twisted into it. I was told that the roof rack itself will fail before that does. my bro in law is a welder by trade.

Oh ok!!! I get it! sorry I've never even attempted to do anything like this, so I was getting a little bit confussed

Ouu just ran across these over the weekend while sorting through the pics. The rack was made from a Home Depot cart that was being thrown away cauz it was too rusty.


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  • front.jpg
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Here's the strut concept that bolted the rack to the roof's rail. It was machined from a block of aluminum.


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  • connect.jpg
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here is my roof basket. i drilled holes in the basket and used longer metric bolts to secure it to the factory roof rails using the screw plates in the rails. also i mounted my 3' cb ant. to it with a truckers window mount and a spring. i just used a couple of ratchet straps to hold my tire, but i modified the stock location to fit the 33



whered you get this rack and how much?

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