Roof/Top Wiring Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roof/Top Wiring Questions

I am soon going to be mountings a Surco Safari Rack on the top of my Explorer. I am also adding 3 Rallye 4000 Lights and 1 Amber Fog/Collision Lamp. So I will be wiring 4 lights total.

I was wondering how some of you guys ran your wiring into the cab?

I was thinking of running it to the back of the rack then down into the gap between the rear hatch and body then integrading it into the factory wiring tube. Is there an easier way? Without drilling? Thanks


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drilling is the best way, however it scares most people... a lot of people run it through the rear hatch and don't have problems with that setup

jimabena74 said:
drilling is the best way, however it scares most people... a lot of people run it through the rear hatch and don't have problems with that setup

ya i was going to run it into the cover wiring hose that goes from the cab into the hatch for the rear wiper, plate lights etc. and get it into the cab that way.

You could also go in through a side window or door, and down the B or C pillar. The longer your wire run is, the greater the chance for voltage drop.

Through Hatch

I ran my wires through the back of the car into the gap where the hatch meets the rest of the car, use some 16 GA wire and and double it for less voltage drop, add some wire loom and zip ties to make it look nice. I also had to run a ground wire to the chassis, because there was no good ground on the roof or on the rack for the lights. Good luck and remember to buy pleanty of wire so you can double it for less resistance.

baff2004 said: you can double it for less resistance.

Or just use a larger gauge wire. :rolleyes:
