Roof Wiring Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roof Wiring Questions


July 4, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Orange County,CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 XLT Sport
I am soon going to be mountings a Surco Safari Rack on the top of my Explorer. I am also adding 3 Rallye 4000 Lights and 1 Amber Fog/Collision Lamp. So I will be wiring 4 lights total.

I was wondering how some of you guys ran your wiring into the cab?

I was thinking of running it to the back of the rack then down into the gap between the rear hatch and body then integrading it into the factory wiring tube. Is there an easier way? Without drilling? Thanks


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Not that I know of without drilling...

you can run them along the roof into the rear lift gate and then along the floor etc. to get the wire were it needs to go

you can run them along the roof into the rear lift gate and then along the floor etc. to get the wire were it needs to go

Would anyone happen to have photographs of how this is accomplished?

I need to jump on board here. I have a similar question. I will be soon mounting a roof light bar with 4 lights. And also 2 cb antennas on my cargo rack. I am not at all afraid to drill holes in the roof, But I was just wondering if they make some kind of water proof rubber grommet to go in the holes. The less silicone the better. Not to mention less likely to chaff the wires with a grommet.
Thanks and sorry for the hijac.

sorry i didnt see this earlier...i have some pictures somewhere ill look for them, i have since drilled through my roof for the positive and have left the ground running down the factory rack...but i will work on the for selant i just used this putty stuff and it has held up great.

i have no suggestions of getting it in with no drilling but i will suggest a nice place to put the switches if u have the regular radio without the big buttons alongside...

