Rough Idle- Sputtering- Told I need new engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rough Idle- Sputtering- Told I need new engine


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
winter park, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 4x4
So my truck has been running rough for the past couple of weeks. Sometimes it isn't too bad, other times it runs rough enough to have a "shake" at low RPM's. My first impression is that it isn't firing on all cylinders (but I am no mechanic). I was assuming the problem was either plugs/wire/distributor or a fuel line problem. I have driven the vehicle reliably for a few weeks since it started acting up, but it isn't running right.

At idle, or driving at low RPM's (below 3,000) it has a sputter to it, like the power comes and goes. Once I am above about 3k RPM's, it seems to run OK.

I dropped it off this morning at a local auto repair shop to have them diagnose it for me (A free service). After looking it over, the guy tells me I need a new engine. I said "new engine? whats wrong with it??" He said that the compression was off, that they were getting low compression (something to the effect of "55 at one spot, 35 at another, and 0 compression at another"). I said, "isn't there some parts we can replace? why does the whole engine need replaced?" and all he could say was "it's definitely the engine, it has 177,000 miles on it".

I definitely can't afford a new engine for the vehicle, and I'm not sure I trust how much testing they did on the vehicle (He also said he would replace the engine for $2,400 parts and labor).

WHen dealing with "low compression", what should I look at as needing repaired/replaced? I'm not getting any check engine lights, or throwing any codes, and it really doesn't drive THAT bad... What should my next step be? I'm planning to sell the truck anyway, so I was really just assuming that if it was something minor i'd either pay to get it fixed before i sell, or give a discount on the sell price so that the buyer could get it fixed. Now I don't know what to do.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Todd.

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I would take it somewhere else fast! Even if you did need a new engine, a compression test alone won't substantiate that claim. I would think that, at most, you would need new heads. My thinking tells me that you might just need new head gaskets, intake manifold gaskets, and the like. If anyone else thinks of something else that it could be, chime in before the mechanic checks anything else!

Two thoughts come to mind. 1st, I would consider testing somewhere else, a second opinion if you will!
2nd, you can buy a compression guage and test for yourself. Generally all cylinders will be lower than New, but what you are looking for s one or two that are way of from the rest.

+1 get a second opinion.. and stop driving it if you can just in case.

Bribe a friend

From what I've read on the forum the OHV V6 has a tendency to overheat and when it does it can blow a head gasket or crack a head. The heads can be removed with the engine in the vehicle. If you're not mechanically inclined, do you have any friends who are? If so, try to bribe (offer dinner, etc.) one of them to perform a compression test on your engine. If the compression in two adjacent cylinders is bad then you may have a blown head gasket. Many OHV V6 engines deliver respectable performance well past 200,000 miles before needing to be rebuilt.

I don't recommend paying a mechanic to replace your engine if you plan to sell it. You will never recover your cost. You would be better off advertising it for sale as is as a mechanic's special.

i had a problem like that. it was the iac (idle air control) its connected to the air intake near the engine block and its silver and has is cylinder like in shape. google it to see what it looks like. you shouldnt need a new engine at all. the part doesn't cost much either.

the only way you'd need a new engine is if you cracked the block or did so much other damage that it would be cheaper to replace the engine

4.0 OHV no compression on 1, and, oil in throttle body. 12 " pulsing vacuum at idle.


I agree- get it out of their shop. 177k is broken in, not broken. :D

You dont need a new engine! maybe a tune up, the only way to check compression is to remove the plugs and test
