Rust on rear hatch lock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rust on rear hatch lock


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2014
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kc mo
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 mercury mountaineer
did somebody able to do a fix on this rust issue? mine has that rear hatch lock rattle that I suspect is due to rust. this is how it looks like inside (from a junk yard unit)


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Fixed mine several years ago. Several posts on the issue are out there

I removed the rear panel (the one noted for cracking on 3rd gen) , disconnected the wiper assy as I believe it holds it all together. I then welded the loop that is held by the latch onto a thin sheet of steel. I do recall trimming a bit of the plastic panel right where ford emblem is so it would fit the new plate. Then reassembled everything and bought the correct glue for securing the plastic panel.

thanks, not sure how long mine will hold up. I just told them not to ever open that hatch and use the main one. I also don't want to replace/buy a new rear appliq, the butt crack makes it a "ford product".

Eventually it will gail. Hope you have good hinges for the window as they were a recall item. Mine failed while on vacation and it really really sucked. Found real was not included for a limited, yet the same part
