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Rust really sucks


June 5, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
ok so i replaced my rocker panels about 3 1/2 years ago with a set of slip on rocker covers to clean up the look of the truck. After carefully removing every speck of cancer I could find i got everything to fit to perfection. Today i tore into the rockers because im replacing the rear cargo deck and wheel wells with stainless parts and boom, my rockers on both sides are destroyed again.:mad: Only thing holding them together was herculiner in most spots. So im wondering if anybody has replaced rocker panels with a solid piece of pipe for strength and some ground clearance?

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ive seen it done a few times on here go search for rock sliders youll find it

I have not used pipe to replace rocker panels. My rocker panels are rusted away completely, and I am working up time and experience with other areas before going there. I am doing a few things to abate rust, don't know if they actually are helping or not yet but...

I remove any sign of rust and any metal that is not 75% or better.

I wash down the exposed area with a phosphate treatment that is said to neutralize rust. That is supposed to dry overnight.

I do any bodywork/filling, followed by ample coats of etching primer, then color coat.

If I had good cutting and welding capability, I would definitely consider some kind of slider instead of the rocker panels. Maybe I'll get some pressure treated 4x4's and bolt them on there!

well the reason i asked is because i have 2 sections of 3 1/2" stainless pipe that fit into where the rockers used to be AND they just happen to be 74" long which is the same length as the 4 dr Explorer stock rocker panel.. Match made in heaven right?.. maybe ill take some pictures and do a build thread on this since its such an issue among explorer owners.. couldnt hurt to try it right?:)

well more bad news on the rockers.. i cut all the bad steel out and found out that the actual body mount under the floor is full of cancer as well so i guess im going to build brand new body mount pads to support the weight of the truck as well:mad:.. i guess thats what u should expect on a truck thats 20 years old and has seen almost constant service for that time
