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sami update


Active Member
August 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 4x4
ok so ive slowly been buying stuff for the samurai and today i got my new shifter bushing and bolt for the trans and a new clutch!!
i was SUPER excited because things are starting to go bad

so i figured it was late in the day, too late for the clutch so ill knock out the bushing and bolt.

pull everything apart, came apart nice, didnt drop the broken bolt into the trans thank goodness.

try to take the shift knob off...ya that hurt my wrist....tried some more... hurt some more....
have the lever out wrap it with a towel clamp in my vice and twist on that knob with all my might...nothing.... got angry and put my torch to it to get it warm and it twisted off after that....

ANYWAYS...the issue was glue, i dont know what kind but the threads in the shift knob were doo doo and it looks like whoever had it before glued it back on...

luckily the shifter threads looks clean and straight so ill be able to order a nice new knob of some sort

i just had to rant because that darn thing made me so angry hahaha

oh ya and it shifts firm now! :D WOOT!!!

oh ya i got this stuff from petroworks...ordered it tuesday night, on my porch this kinda people... plus its a cali shop, gotta support it haha

cant wait till its all done and complete i wanna see how it looks when its all done
