SAS on Second offer to you | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SAS on Second offer to you


Explorer Addict
January 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Eddie Bauer
The FIRST person that lets me have their 2nd Gen Explorer for a month will get a leaf sprung swap using whatever axle they want or can provide for $200 over my cost.

All brackets, springs, shocks, steering, etc., for whatever my cost is + $200 in labor. That is DIRT cheap.

I can get the axle geared and locked for you for an additional price. If the axle needs parts, brakes, calipers, seals, u-joints, etc., it is your responsibility. I can get and install them for another small fee.

You either provide the axle or I can find one (probably cheaper if you provide) for you. Wheels and tires (I can get them too), brakelines, etc is all up to you.

I would need the vehicle beginning November 9th and will have it completed one month later barring nothing major popping up along the way.

So who is up for it?

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Damn it Cory!!! Why can't you have a deal for us first gens? Oh and live closer to me. Would I get a little better deal for driving mine 1800 miles to you?:)

I'll give you my vehicle... It will be outside my house waiting for you to come down here to Venezuela...;) If you leave today, I think you will arriving Louisville by November 8, a night of sleep and get to work on 9... At that time, the front tranny will be all fwaked up and it will justify the SAS!! LOL!!;)

Why I live down here!?!?

Cory, I take it you plan to come out with a SAS 'package'. Way to take the ball and run with it!
Props to you, this is HUGE!

oh man... hrmm i always talk bad about SAS price and time...but ummm thats excellent! even though id prefer coilsovers like your rig CoryL. Come out with a standard kit kinna thing and maybe ill blow tax returns on it :) Cause im waaay to far away...

dang.. that's pretty cool

wish i had some extra cash laying around right now.

thanks for that offer to us all cory. i'll be looking you up if my X ever makes it that far up the big dawg list.

if it could be done with 6" or less of lift i would possibly consider it. it seems that 8" or so is necessary because the frame doesn't have the curve in it?
i'd also want to spend the extra for a coils setup i think.

i'd do it for the ease of not having all that crap up front to try to figure out is popping, squeaking, or whatever.

i think your offering a great deal. wish i had the means to take advantage of it right now.

6" or less lift. Not sure. Don't know till I do it.

I usually never measure lift. I think it is useless.

My theory is that as long as it is tall enough to clear the desired tires (with trimming for me) while retaining a low center of mass it is a success.

Unforunately this offer only applies to leaf springs. Coils are a LOT more work and would require some more compensation for my time.

I am SERIOUSLY considering buying a cheap 2nd Gen just to do a SAS on it and keeping it as a business vehicle.

Damn it! I liive in austin TX and cannot afford the time off to xfer it over there... (Just took 2.5 weeks off, and want the christmans-new years fun too). I will however guarantee that i'll purchase your first kit. That's a promise.

Cory what would be an estimate on the price if i gave u the axle thats it. Whats the general ball park.

dang..wish i lived closer and had another x to do this

I am almost certain that this offer is over and done!:D

Damn, that sucks. No one really replied saying they wanted to do it. I would still like to wonder what the price would be though.

Cory started a new thread with an even sweeter deal on the SAS.

I volunteered!:D


Go ahead and show him where the project led to Robb....:D

Originally posted by JoshC
Go ahead and show him where the project led to Robb....:D



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Oh Damn, thats funny!

I know the feeling Rob. Well, OK maybe not. I'm driving my Exploder today......:D:D:D
