Scormunch's 97' 5.0 EB | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scormunch's 97' 5.0 EB

I've been elite for a while now (about 2 years) and realized I've never posted a thread in here. I'll be looking through my pics on my harddrive and listing my mods later, but I just wanted to throw this thread up to get started.

Heres what the truck looks like now:


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Exterior Mods:

20x8.5 Boss Motorsport rims on 275/45/20 Goodyear GT2's
Explorer Express airdam molded to stock bumper
Lowered 3" in front via TT, 2" in back, EE camber adjusters
Billet grille (not shown, deciding if I like it better without)
Clear corners up front
Diamond cut headlamps w/ silverstars
Tinted taillamps
Painted stock grille
PIAA 940 Fog/Driving lamps (not on truck right now)

Interior Mods:

Panasonic MP3 Headunit
MB Quartz Premium components (F)
Infinity Kappa 5x7's (R)
Alpine Flex4 (50wRMSx4 for door speakers)
(2) Infinity Reference 12" subs
Kenwood KA-600w (300wRMSx2 sub amp)
Suede covered door panels
200 sq. ft. Fatmat Xtreme
7" Lilliput Screen static-mounted into radio bezel (for sale)
Panasonic DVD player (in armrest)
Coleman Power Inverter (located behind cargo panel)


KKM Tru-Rev Intake
True dual 2.50" piping with Flowmaster 40's (non-delta)

wow can i have my old bumper back? Looks awesome!

Boomin!! That's your old bumper and airdam? Looks great. Good Job!!

thanks, I still need to get it painted at a shop, but I think it looks good enough for now to wait til the springtime when I'm going to have the rest of my paint done. I just can't see any sense in going through a N.E. winter with a brand new paintjob...

Me, iZackary and rfuree11 at Long Trail Brewery in Vt...


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Well it's not hard for me to pick out my favorite in the picture. How about some interior shots of the suede and stereo? I checked your garage photo, nothing there, LOL.

That looks awesome. Very nice work!

Hey i was watchin your video of the exhaust and i noticed a Lou's Custom Exhaust sticker. I got my exhaust done by him too. What shop did you go to? I went to the one in Lawrence and i got to see lou himself do it. he does amazing work. I love your truck btw


Looks awsome. Bumper is sweet!
