SCT XCAL2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Addict
June 20, 2007
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Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0L V8 AWD XLT
I just got my hands on an Xcal2 tuner.. amazingly from a pawn "SCT Remote" They called it..

It's just the tuner though, no cords or anything except the OBDII connector wire.. I can't do anything with this except read any error codes.. how do I get it to work?
I really don't want to send this anywhere.. How do I make my own tunes? Arg.. how does this work?.. I need a manual..

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You don't have to send it anywhere. You'll need a USB cable A to B. You'll need to visit , they have a forum there that can probably help you in each and every way. You cannot make your own tunes but James Henson can, he can email them to you.

Tunes for free? I already emailed him before I made this thread.. I'm waiting for a reply.
Also, are you 100% sure I don't have to send it anywhere to have this thing Vin Unlocked or whatever? I don't Think it has any tunes or anything from another vehicle, but I don't know......

Alright, read up a little bit on it, checked the status.. it's unlocked and ready to be used... I just need tunes. =D
And the USB wire and software.
I can't get free tunes, can I?
Can I make a basic tune with the software? I just have an Intake & Catback..

as far as I know, unless you are using the stock tunes.

You have to pay for custom tunes that are matched to your computer.


Lame... I can't even make slightly modified tunes for basic changes?
Fuel type, Stock intake or not?..ect... Sniper has a little setup wizard to do it.....
What's the point in a $300+ $400+ Tuner if you're stuck having to fork out more money everytime you want something changed?

James Makes tunes for $50 each, you can get 3 for $140. Tuning is something that takes know how and experience, just pay the money and go on with it. You can order right from his website, with your job and all, it ought to be easy for you. :D

I can't get free tunes, can I?

I am sure with the application of a little common sense you can answer your own question here...

I It's just the tuner though, no cords or anything except the OBDII connector wire.. I can't do anything with this except read any error codes.. how do I get it to work?
I really don't want to send this anywhere.. How do I make my own tunes? Arg.. how does this work?.. I need a manual..

You will ned a USB cable ( A to B ) to hook it to your laptop/desktop.

You can indeed make your own tunes. You will need SCT's Racer Pro software package Advantage III software - This software allows you to make tunes for 1 computer box code.

Ab online XCal 2 manual can be found at

I can't get free tunes, can I?..

You have got to be kidding!

Do you really expect an SCT dealer to use his/her time and knowledge ( plus his rather expensive dealer software ) to make tunes for you for no cost?

Hey now, I'm learning all this stuff...
At least I took your advice and didn't get the Jet Chip! lol

Hm... Is it possible to pull a copy of my stock tune and then customize it as I see fit? Into a performance tune?

Hey now, I'm learning all this stuff...
At least I took your advice and didn't get the Jet Chip! lol

Hm... Is it possible to pull a copy of my stock tune and then customize it as I see fit? Into a performance tune?


A word to the wise, you are not making any friends with the tuning community always wanting something for free.

You will ned a USB cable ( A to B ) to hook it to your laptop/desktop.

You can indeed make your own tunes. You will need SCT's Racer Pro software package Advantage III software - This software allows you to make tunes for 1 computer box code.

Ab online XCal 2 manual can be found at

I don't really want to Fork out the money for software with the complicated options... right now I want the software I can use to change simple basic stuff, for an optimized tune.. I'll probably be going to James.

I'm downloading all the software now.. the updating software, and tune upload software.. and the discontinued "ExtremeTune" program......


A word to the wise, you are not making any friends with the tuning community always wanting something for free.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with free.. =)
But I understand. I'm just trying to figure out all my options with this thing.
Seems I can get a base tune I can screw around with, or order Performance and Economy tunes..

Seems there's also two different programs, one for basic changes in a tune.. and another "Advantage 3" or whatever for complicated stuff.

Do you know anything about tuning?

Do you really think you can tune yourself without software, O2 meter, a laptop, anf most important KNOWLEDGE.

From what I've been shown of Sniper Tuning's.. tuning wizard thing.. that would be perfect for me.. for now..

It has drop down menu's.. for example..
you tell it what engine you have, n all that good stuff...

one menu might say for the intake..
"CAI XXmaf" ect..

hmm... here.. look at this:

I'm just curious as to if I can do this with SCT's software.. It would be perfect for the time being, until I get some money to get the tunes I want from a dealer.

i really dont know anything about tuning but i would leave it to the proffesionals because they know what they are doing And plus what happens when you screw up a tune you create just imagine what that could do to your x like i said i know 0 about tuning but unless your really know what your doing leave it to the professionals

Did you not look at the link I posted?
If I had those options, the chance of me screwing up my Explorer would be pretty low. As long as I didn't choose options that are ridiculous... or for things I don't have/use... Like I said before.. I only have an Intake & Catback.. and 31's... A tune with those in mind would be good enough until I could get a dealer to make me a tune with all the other complicated advanced changes in it that are better for the performance or fuel economy instead of the generic stock tune which was made for a wide variety of driving conditions.. and not specifically for performance or fuel econ.... hm.. do ya get what I'm tryin to say?

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I burned a piston trying to tune my own thing. Thankfully mine were aluminum so it only cost 1800.00 for another " rebuild".

It happened faster than I could react.

You move the furniture
I'll powdercoat stuff,
Let James write your tunes.

I do.

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