Securing broken fuel injector plug... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Securing broken fuel injector plug...


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2008
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City, State
Binghamton NY, Hazleton PA, Northern NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'88,'99 Ranger, '00 EX
Another question...What's the best way to keep the fuel injector plug on the fuel injector once one or both of the tabs have broken? Electrical tape? Zip tie?

There are probably more Fords running around with broken clips than there are with good clips. I have taken the time to use tiny zip ties to fasten them, and I've left them alone without anything on my own rigs. I have never had one come off or be a problem. If you are really ****, you can buy new connectors from Motorcraft. Get your wallet will not believe what they charge you for them. About $30 each.

$30 ea? LOL

junk yard baby!!
as many as you want for $5
