Serious Front End Problem 98 AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Serious Front End Problem 98 AWD


Explorer Addict
June 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0L V8 AWD XLT
At first it was just a slight vibration, and then it got noticeably worse... for awhile it was near gone 60mph+ but now it's always heard... on the gas, braking, turning, going straight... it's a clunking/grinding noise... something is seriously wrong here, it's coming from the driver's side... I smell some kind of oil... It's dark out, from what I could figure... it's either the wheel bearing or the differential... I just don't know... I'm going to jack it up tomorrow and see if I can make the noise by spinning the wheel... And before any of you say it... I just replaced my front DS, so it's good.. all the bolts are good... it didn't make this noise for quite awhile after the installation... Midas did say the driver's side front wheel bearing was going out... could it be that?... or am I looking at some differential service/replacement?

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very well could be the wheel bearing assembly and is an easy item to check out. It should turn quite smoothly by hand is it grates a bit there is the issue - seems I replace mine at the minimum of every 2 years with the conditions my truck typically drives in they go fast - imagine yours sees similar use / abuse.

Seriously how do half shafts even get damaged? It seems a cv axle or even the differential will die before there's even any slight bit of damage done to the half shaft.

This just sucks..

Its probably not damaged it just has had lot of wear. Mine have been making alot of noise lately, they will be changed soon.

Alright, jacked it up... spun the tires... the wheel bearing does have a little play... but other than that... everything up there is good to go... but the moment I put it in drive... or anything that would make the driveline spin n all that.... horrible noises everywhere... Front DS is brand new... I can't pin point the noise... it's either the cv joint on the drive shaft OR..... there's something going horribly wrong inside the front differential.

I honestly don't think it's the front DS, because I can put a lot of load on it and it doesn't make a sound.

Alright.. I took the front DS out and it's perfect...

Thing is.. I found all the bolts on the TC side loose... So I don't think it's bad because I can see how my exact noises were being made with how the DS is designed, moving around on the bolts, I don't see any visible damage to the DS or TC... So I'm gonna put it back in ... hopefully soon... it just snowed and I might be stuck in my friend's driveway... lol... This is going to suck..

Btw, I pulled this thing in the middle of the night in the dark in a parking lot... lol..

Set the parking brake if the front DS is out. It can roll away(slowly) if you leave it parked on any incline. Good luck,

Will do, I noticed that the other time I had it off too.

Man.. I just smashed my front bumper in a lil bit.. I just hit a cement block... it's so slick out... at complete stops the truck will slide sideways... this is ridiculous..

Turns out the DS is toast, and here's the great part... to get a replacement from Napa... I have to wait 6 weeks for it to get here from Portland, Oregon. This Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to say they didn't grease the head. I've got one for you right now if you can get out of your deal w/ NAPA.

How Much? Keep in mind... I live in Fairbanks, Alaska [99701]
