shackles or add-a-leaf | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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shackles or add-a-leaf


February 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
carlisle, pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt, 97 ranger
I have a 94 explorer xlt and im gonna do the spacers up front but i can get a kit for the whole truck with add a leafs. What's better? warrior 153 shackles or just stick with the add a leafs? whats everyones thoughts?

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All aal's and shackles are not the same. And a lot depends on what folks are comfortable with and what they like. And what you use the truck for. I like a long aal. My X is a DD and I wheel it about a month each year. I also drive it 1,000 + highway miles to wheel each year.

I did both, AAL and Shackles with leveled out nicely with some nice added lift!

tt don't work on a 1st gen, but heck i will chime in,,

i did both add a leaf and shackles, individually,
i would say a good long aal kit is better as the shackles just aggravate a problem if the leafs are sagged out,,

tt don't work on a 1st gen, but heck i will chime in,,

i did both add a leaf and shackles, individually,
i would say a good long aal kit is better as the shackles just aggravate a problem if the leafs are sagged out,,

yeah, I just realized that...:shifty_ey

Follow up?
I'm doing the same thing soon !
howd it all pan out?

I added warrior shackles on my 1993 and it leveled out the front and rear almost perfect. I am also going with coil spring spacers and I am also going to add a add-a-leaf to level out the front to rear.
