Shackles! Where to buy? Paint or No paint? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shackles! Where to buy? Paint or No paint?

Positive Vibes

Elite Explorer
June 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Cruz, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
I found a few places to buy 3/4" shacles but some are painted orange, or not painted at all. Do they rust? Orange on a white truck with a black bumper wouldn't look to good? How do you keep people from stealing them? Where are the cheapest places to buy? Any other info would be great! Thanks!

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Hey Vibes

I dont think you have to worry about anybody stealing them.Check for shackles very nice people and quick to return e-mails:D

or check They are not on their web page but if you call them and tell them WAR-153 they have them for 59.99 but i got them for 47 b/c I told them I wanted 10% off

I'm looking for recovery shackles. But also I was wondering about adding Warrior shackles. I have a 5.5" lift and was wondering if they would help or hinder my flex? Any input?

I dont know about the flex issues but I was thinking about adding warriors to my 4 inch susp. lift:D

88vert: why do you want to add the shackles? What benefit would they give you?

More lift I was going to add spacers up front too:D

i have a warn receiver mount shackle.. it was like $30 with the heavy duty mount that goes in the hitch. its a 5/8 or 3/4. can't remember. its all silver.... well dull silver.

Any one else know where to buy shackles that aren't painted a bright orange. Preferably Black 3/4".

PV.. every local farm supply or general hardware store i've been to has them.
an online example is
not sure if they have them online but they do in the stores.

also, the 4x4 parts places around here carry them too, most in dull silver.

OK I know I'm probally making this harder than it is but, what weight capacity should I get. D-ring, Bow shackle, anchor shackle, with pin, without, with nut????? Dam this can't be this complicated. What do you have? Where'd you get it and the weight capacity and type? Thanks.

hmm.. i dunno the answers to any of that

mine was a shackle and the receiver mount for it combo from warn. i got it at the 4x4 place here. i just know its 3/4" shackle and is heavy as crap. i forget the rating s on it though. i'm guessing if you get a 3/4" one its sure as hell gonna be strong enough to pull your x out.

here is a pic of it


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