SHERIFF PULLED ME OVER!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rocket 5979

Resident Gearhead
April 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake Villa, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4.6
Well i was going down the road and ever since i got my new exhaust installed a few months ago i like to rev it and floor it till it kicks to 1st then let it go for a few seconds and let off. Just to play around. Besides it looks cool when it almost looks like the ground is going to disappear because the front end is raising up so much. though not off the groun, which would be awesome if i had enough power to do that. lol. but anyways. i started to rev it but then i saw a sheriff's car to my left that was pulling out from another road. So i let off almost right away so it only mad it to 4000 before i shut it down. Well i just go as normal till i reach my front gate of my apartments, i had forgotten about him by then. Then after i punch my code i seehim pull behind me and do his little fart siren thingy and his white lights flash once. So i am like "Ok this guy cannot do anything to me for revving my engine a little and i wasnt speeding yet" So he gets out and comes up. He starts to introduce himself. So i think ok all is clear but what does this guy want? Well he proceeds to tell me that he has heard me around town but never could put the sound to a single car because there were soo many around. But once he saw me rev at the intersection he knew who it was. He toldme that the reason he pulled me over was that because he said i had the meanest sounding Explorer he had ever heard and that i also had the cleanest explorer he had ever seen too. So (RICK PAY ATTENTION!!!) I told him about the site and told him to stop by and visit it since he plans on getting an explorer too. I think the funniest thing was that he didnt notice he wasnt able to catch me till i reached my apartment so just by that he could have given me a ticket for speeding for him to not catch me till i got there. All in all a really cool cop. Hehe. He didnt even notice the DVD player and new sub box i just put in either. lol. Well just thought i would share it with yall. C ya later. Rob

P.S. I should have asked him if he wanted to race. Man that would of been a blast. lol. Maybe some other time.

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haha thats awsome man !!!!!

jsut wait till u get your supercharger!

yea i liek to launch it at the lights with the KKM it sounds kool


Once i install my charger it is going to be over with then. Once they hear THAT and my exhaust i will be getting pulled over really quick(for bad reasons). Plus the emblems i am going to put on here in a while. But the emblems are more to get other people in fast cars to notice me versus cops to notice me. Kind of kick em in the butt to make em curious as to what i got.

itz always a good thing to get friendly with the 5 0 . maybe if you hang out with him, you get to meet the whole dept, you can get away with things a bit more

Originally posted by XplorerKid
wut kinda emblems ??

or is that top secret?? :D

Well lets just say that once i hit 390 fwhp(which is what they rate the 03 cobra at, though it has more than that) i will be putting on my newly received cobra snake emblems. Yes i got the idea from Troll, but it is a great idea. And really does set it apart from others as a racer. I figure that once i hit that mark i will have earned the right to wear those emblems on my car. Or unless before then i can race an older Cobra for his emblems. That would be sooooo sweet!!!! That is another goal of mine. To race a Cobra for the emblems off of his car. Though i dont know what i could give in return. Maybe offer money if i lose and get his emblems if i win. I just got to make sure i know what mods he has. Because even a slightly modded older Cobra would walk my a$$ even after i put into it what i got planned for the near future.

You said you cut it off at 4000 RPM....What do you normally rev it to? Super high RPMs are not excactly good for an engine, or tranny:(

On aside note, I had the same thing with a cop asking me about my X because he was going to buy one for himself...

my next door neighbor is a cop. the day we moved in after we bought the place, he asked me "what the hell do you have in that thing?" i just smiled and said "oh, a little 5 liter with a bottle of gas in the back." now, he gives me a hard time about wanting to run me in his Crown Vic. :D

Originally posted by Crankcase
You said you cut it off at 4000 RPM....What do you normally rev it to? Super high RPMs are not excactly good for an engine, or tranny:(
4 grand is child's play in a 5 oh... not gonna hurt a thing. the rev limiter will kick in WAY before any engine damage can occur. 5 liter bottom ends are bullet-proof.

Originally posted by james t
4 grand is child's play in a 5 oh... not gonna hurt a thing. the rev limiter will kick in WAY before any engine damage can occur. 5 liter bottom ends are bullet-proof.

Your old avatar proved that theory pretty good too....:D

Originally posted by Crankcase
You said you cut it off at 4000 RPM....What do you normally rev it to? Super high RPMs are not excactly good for an engine, or tranny:(

On aside note, I had the same thing with a cop asking me about my X because he was going to buy one for himself...

Let me just say this. I rev to 5 grand when i am driving about once every 5 minutes or probably a little more than that actually. Unless i am on the highway cruising. But i really do hit 5 grand while driving in town about every 3 or 4 minutes depending on how traffick is. I am a really aggressive driver. Plus whenever i see a ricer i rev at them to intimidate. Lol. Hell i even rev at GT mustangs and such too. I rev at everything i see if i think they would want to race. Heck i even rev at cobra's and Corvettes now that i think of it. Of course i know i wont win with the last 2 but it sure is fun to do. And in a little while i will be able to back it up against them too. Alls i got to say is if the 5.0 was not bullet proof like it is touted mine would not have lasted this long because it takes what i got to give it and just keeps asking for more. And i dont hear the tranny objecting to it either. lol. And once i get the shift kit in my tranny will squeal 2nd like it is cruising on the highway. Hehe. God i am sooooo glad i found this vehicle!!! I remember that when i was looking for cars i almost bought a Montero Sport. God that wouldhave been a dog of an engine there! And in a few years when i have ALOT of money saved up from doing certain things then i will come back when the 2000 models are cheap and i will buy and build another drag racer Explorer. But that one will be Serious drag. Meaning no seat except drivers. And the rest will be carpeted. 393 stroker with TT's. Oh yeah!!!! It will never see a pair of street tires. the only name in tires it will know begins with the name Mickey. lol. But really enough of my plans that i hope, but probably never will happen.

Sometimes it's bad if the cops start remembering your ride. Then they harass you all the time. Sometimes it's better to blend in. I guess it all depends on how crooked the cops are where you live, and how big a place you live in. The more cars the less chance they will remember yours.

Well unfortunately mine stands out alotmore than any mustang does around here. Especially because of my rims and my exhaust and the fact that it is an SUV versus a mustang which is sooo common to have them around. Though it is comone to have Explorers around but not the way mine looks. I knew that the second i put my exhaust on i wouldnot blend in anymore, and i was right. One night after the races i was driving home and decided to rev a little at some dude next to me. Well just then i notice a cop about 60 yards ahead so i stop but not before he noticed it. So i just drive like normal and he pulls in behind me though he doesnt have anything to get me on so he cannot pull me over really. So i notice he tails me so i just pull over at the next gas station and pretend to check one of my tires for a leak or something. Well he waits there and then just gets pissed off and speeds off. :D Problem solved, and no ticket fromthat one either. Either way i know i have to watch it once the charger and emblems go on because then EVERYONE will notice it whether i want them to or not. I just got to go to the dragstrip here more often instead of doing anything on the street. Well as often anyways.
