Shift issues solved | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shift issues solved


Active Member
September 27, 2022
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City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 FPIU
2017 FPIU

Shift issue RESOLVED.

Flushed and refilled trans fluid, now it's been working for the last week or so.

No metal in drained fluid, just murky looking.

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I would not overfill the transmission if it is currently at the full mark. As for the "fill adapter", do you not have a dipstick?
Also, no additives should be used. The following is from your Owner's Manual;
"Do not use supplemental transmission fluid additives because they are unnecessary and could lead to transmission damage that may not be covered by the vehicle Warranty."


I would not overfill the transmission if it is currently at the full mark. As for the "fill adapter", do you not have a dipstick?
Also, no additives should be used. The following is from your Owner's Manual;
"Do not use supplemental transmission fluid additives because they are unnecessary and could lead to transmission damage that may not be covered by the vehicle Warranty."

I can't tell if it's full with the dipstick without getting the trans hot, which means driving (especially when it's 37 degrees F outside). The fill adapter used on the 5F55 can be used on a cold car, so I was hoping that there was something like it for the 6F55.

I'm suspecting -- HOPING -- that the problem is just due to old fluid getting low, gumming up the solenoid so that it doesn't fully throw. Does MERCON act as its own solvent, meaning that it will thin that gunk by just being immersed, rather than using a valve-unsticker?

If I can't get the solenoid to throw, I need to replace the solenoid body, an expensive PITA. Is the solenoid IS throwing but gears aren't engaging, then the trans is seriously screwed up and needs a rebuild or replacement. Thus, I think it might be worth the risk of trying an unsticker, but if MERCON can do the job, I'll just overfill it, let it sit a few days, then drain and fill with fresh.

I don't know about MECON acting as its own solvent. Sorry. Perhaps someone more familiar with that can jump in. If it was an old or low fluid issue I would think it would affect more than just reverse.


I don't know about MECON acting as its own solvent. Sorry. Perhaps someone more familiar with that can jump in. If it was an old or low fluid issue I would think it would affect more than just reverse.

I was up in town, everything fine, then I didn't get a shift to (I think) 2nd. I pulled off the road to check it, then didn't have reverse when I tried to back out of the parking spot. In Drive, it shifted slowly through 2nd, then I was able to drive home (did fine at 55 MPH for 20 miles), but haven't had Reverse since then.

The solenoid is moving a little bit, just not enough to actually engage, so it's electrically ok. That sounds to me like it's gummed up, with a less likely possible issue being fluid level. Optimum would be to put in something that will act as a solvent, then cycling the solenoid repeatedly to see if it will clean up and fully throw.
