Should I even buy an Explorer | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Should I even buy an Explorer

My local dealer has an 05 XLT with 55k for $12,900.

We bought our 2005 XLT with only 26K miles last month for $10,800. The OP is right, SUV's are cheap - now is the time to buy if you are thinking about one. This is our 5th Explorer over the years, so we've been happy with them. The only difference this time around is the X isn't the wife's DD - it's all mine.

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Better buy an extended warranty - your going to need it!

The problem are real!


i just bought a 2003 XLS w/ 51,000 on it for 8,600$ from my local FORD dealer last month...

i kinda was in the same boat with you JELLO... i sold 2 cars

1992 nissan 240sx

1989 toyota supra ( turbo'd )

so i could buy something more reliable and something with a warranty.

I am very new to explorers, but i have fell in love with mine !!! theres so much you can do with explorers. bro just buy the extra warrenty and your fears are covered... it only cost me an extra 14$ a month for the full blown warrenty

good luck to ya !

Just bought my 03 xlt with 34k miles for 10,500...slap on another 2500 for the 60k five year warranty an I came out like a thief imo.

Go for it!!!! I LOVE MY TRUCK!

try to find a 5.0 second gen explorer if u want something thats going to last forever. the years are between 95-01. i have a 98 explorer with the windsor 5.0 and i have 230,000 miles on it and i drive this thing really hard, foot to the floor all the time. i even drive it at the strip every thursday and it still runs like a champ ive never had to do any major surgery infact i havent had to spend more than 500 bucks on a repair. it has a really good 4-speed 4r70w transmition that can take a good bit of abuse. very reliable car... i (and alot of ppl here lol) highly enjoy them lol

Better buy an extended warranty - your going to need it!

The problem are real!


Sounds like you really know what you are talking about. :confused:

We purchased our 04 XLS in 2007, with only 15,000 original miles for $11k... we thought it was a good deal because the vehicle was still essentially brand new in & out. It was not used very often (not daily driver), which attributed to the very low miles in the 3 years of previous ownership.

The price fluctuates depending on the overall condition, miles & geographic location. I've seen similar Exp's in the same condition w/ more miles being listed for more $$$ than what we paid, and in the same instance, those w/ lower miles still more than we paid. We shopped around online looking at many 02+ Exp's before finding ours and were surprised that we did get such a good deal on an 04 when we bought it.

Sounds like you really know what you are talking about. :confused:

Quote from another post I made.

"What a piece of crap! now into 3rd set of rear wheel bearings at 150k. both rear springs broke - NO OFFROAD! Parking brake shoes blown up! 3rd Tranny! Cracked rear panel! yada yada yada!

Waiting for the next problem that everyone has on this platform.

How does Ford get away with re-occuring problems that EVERY EXPLORER HAS!

Going to buy a US built TOYOTA! It's cheaper in the long run.

Does anybody at Ford read these posts?????? WTF!"

By the way - I have owned 3 Chevy (2002, 2004 and 2006) Trailblazers and a 97 Explorer Limited and had no problems besides wear items on any of those vehicles. So I am not complaining for no reason or from lack of owning SUV's.


Sounds like a ’94 Chrysler I once had, it was a completely new platform, LHS, I think I must have gotten one of the first off the line, it was constantly in the shop for some recall or repair. A few years later it was a really nice and reliable (so I thought) car.

In ’02 the explorer was completely redone much, very close if not a complete redo of the platform. In ’03 it seems from this forum is much cleaner but still has a few problems. The ’04 not much going on mostly problem free.

Just out of curiosity what’s the build date and plant location?

IMHO Part of the problem is it’s not uncommon for the any auto company to just request a 5% reduction in cost from a part supplier, who then takes shortcuts to make end meet; then another scenario is they find another supplier who offers 8% cut in cost, so they ax the first supplier, one of X years, for the cheaper guy. The manager saves money and looks good, gets the promotion but we pay the price for poor parts. that’s why one year will be good with one part and bad for another, although it sounds like you’re being bitten by the First model year syndrome
